Chapter XV

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T/W: Torture

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Iskall slumped against cold cave wall, exhausted from building 15 rustic houses without a break. He knew he shouldn't stop, but he couldn't help it. He had learned the hard way to never stop building. NPG had whipped him the first time he had stopped, and his back still stung. He shivered at the thought.

He hadn't eaten in 2 days and so he didn't exactly have the energy to continue.

Get up or he's gonna whip you again, a small voice said. You have to, come on.

I can't, he said to it. I literally have no energy left.

He winced as he heard a door slam.

Get up, the voice said.

He heard footsteps.


He tried to get up, but his leg gave out and he fell again.


NPG spotted him and shook his head in disapproval.

"Iskall, Iskall, Iskall," He sighed. "What have I told you about resting?"

Iskall's heartbeat quickened as NPG got closer and closer. He tried to inch away.

NPG grabbed him by the collar of his now dirty lime t-shirt and lifted him. Iskall noticed NPG wearing a golden glove with 3 gems on it, with empty slots for more gems.

"I need food to continue," Iskall said, his voice rusty. "I don't have any energy left."

NPG rolled his eyes. "You humans are so weak."

He chucked him on the ground, pulling out a golden carrot.

Iskall's mouth watered at the sight of it.

"There," NPG said chucking the carrot at Iskall.

Iskall quickly grabbed it, finishing it in 3 bites.

"But of course," NPG said. "You have still disobeyed me."

Iskall's eyes widened. "Please."

NPG pulled out his whip. "Turn around."

"Let this time be an exception-"

"Turn. Around." NPG said in a more forceful voice.

Iskall hesitated, but then started to turn around slowly.

"Take your shirt off."

Iskall obeyed, putting the shirt to the side with trembling hands. He squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the impact.

The whip cracked as it hit his back and his scream got caught in his throat.

The whip hit again and this time Iskall did scream.

It hit one last time before NPG put the whip away.

"Keep in mind that the amount of times you get whipped will increase each time you disobey me."

Iskall nodded as he felt tears run down his cheek. He clamped his mouth shut before a sob could escape.

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