Chapter VII

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Long long time ago, when Minecraft was first made, a Creator was born, going by the name Notch. Notch was a curious one that was for sure.

He was granted powers in which he used to shape and mould, creating animals and life forms of all kinds. After a while of being the only person in his world however, he started feeling alone, and so he decided he'd make more people.

So he made Alex and Steve, which he grew really close with, and had many adventures with. But as time passed, he started to notice something; there was something in the world that wasn't made by him. It was almost like a bug, and it at first didn't bother him.

The more the time passed however, the more the bug seemed to grow, slowly but surely causing harm to mobs and plants, since it didn't have a proper form.

So Notch decided to examine the bug, and he decided to give a form to it, forming another person. However, this person wasn't perfect, and no matter how hard Notch tried, he couldn't fix the person's flaw, which were... his eyes.

His eyes didn't have pupils and were completely white, giving a small glow off of them. The person however, didn't seem much bothered by it and was grateful for his state anyway. This person worked hard and was nice to all, being trustworthy and well-liked by most.

For his hard efforts and dedication, Notch gifted him with a name, and he called him Brine.

Brine was thankful for his name, and soon he discovered he had powers of his own, and shared them with Notch, since he was the one he most trusted.

Notch however, didn't react the way he had expected him to react and told Brine that his powers were dangerous and he should avoid using them.

Brine was confused by this, since to him his powers were wonderful and weren't dangerous as Notch had said they were. So to prove Notch wrong, he made mobs just like Notch had.

Notch at the time had made more people and had made Admins and Watchers a thing, to get them to help run what he called 'Servers'.

Brine also wanted to help so he made zombies, skeletons, slimes, endermen and even accidentally made creepers while trying to make a pig like Notch had. He was proud of himself however, for being able to make such creatures.

Brine excitedly showed Notch his makings, explaining to him how they also had special abilities, just like the Admins and Watchers he had created.

Notch however, disapproved of his creations, and proceeded to remove them from existence... but he couldn't. He couldn't because they were made by Brine and only Brine could remove them.

Notch asked Brine to remove them, but Brine refused as he didn't want his hard-work go to waste. Notch tried everything he could but ended up duplicating the mobs by accident instead of removing them, making the situation worse.

He begged Brine to remove them one last time and when Brine shook his head in disagreement, he told Brine he couldn't live in these lands anymore.

Brine turned to Alex and Steve for help, but they too, didn't seem to agree with his train of thought. It was at that moment he realised how alone he was in these lands, and so he agreed to leave... leave everything behind and start new faraway where he wouldn't be judged.

In his travels, he met two people he had never seen or heard of before. One had white glowy eyes, much like his own, and seemed to be a person made out of shadows.

The other however, had red glowy eyes and wore a white cloak, hiding his body, and carried a scythe with him.

They called themselves Null and 303.
Brine was hesitant at talking to them at first and tried to ignore them the best he could. It was easy at first, but it got harder and harder as the two continued talking to him, and eventually Brine couldn't take it anymore and he talked back.

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