Chapter XII

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I just wanted to let you all know that I won't be doing Grumbo :P
Now onwards with the story~

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Xisuma snapped his eyes open, frantically looking around and immediately clutching his stomach where he had been stabbed with one hand. He lifted his head slightly, his gaze falling over to where he clutched himself with his hand. He saw the armor pierced where the blade had cut, running a finger over it. He lay back down, closing his eyes and breathing out in relief.

He heard the door open and lazily glanced towards it, watching as a Leo Healer walked in, his curly red hair bouncing on his head every time he moved. The healer's dark eyes moved over to where Xisuma was lying down and he gave him a warm smile.

"Hello, I'm Dr Flynn," he said. "I'm just here for a final check-up and after that you're free to walk out of here."

Xisuma smiled back. "Thank you," he said.

His smile however, faded a little as memories of the previous day started to come back to him.

Flynn was looking at the monitor and frowned when he saw Xisuma's heartbeat quicken.

"You alright there?" He asked Xisuma, turning his head slightly to look at him.

Xisuma suddenly sat up, eyes wide. "I need to go back to my server."

Xisuma turned his body so his legs were dangling from the side of the bed.

Flynn quickly walked in front of him, his hands outstretched to stop Xisuma.
"No, no," he said quickly. "You can't leave yet, I need to make sure you're fully healed."

Xisuma easily pushed him aside, hopping to his feet.
"I don't care, I need to make sure they're ok," he said, trying to remain calm.


"No buts," Xisuma cut him off. "I'm going whether you like it or not.

Flynn opened his mouth to say something, but then seemed to think better of it and closed it back again, worriedly watching Xisuma leave.

Xisuma decided they should move on to Season 7 so if the Watchers decided to come again, they'd have to figure out a new code. His communicator beeped as he was about to enter the Hermitcraft portal.

Grian has joined the server.

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Watcher A had definitely been impressed by the NPG Watcher R had come up with. However, there was still something Watcher R didn't understand.

They chewed on their lip before asking, "Why are you so worried about some powerless bunch of citizens, Azezel?"

Watcher A slightly turned their head towards them, indicating that they had heard Watcher R.

"Because, Ravana," they said calmly. "You must never underestimate your opponents. As long as they exist, we can never be too careful."


"Of course it is, I've had experience with this sort of stuff." Watcher A said.

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