Chapter III

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Xisuma smiled. The party was great, he nodded in approval when he saw that everyone was having fun. His gaze slowly drifted towards the window that looked out to the ocean. The sun set in the sky as fresh colours brushed upon an artist's canvas, as if those rays were destined to create a great work of art - one given to those open to capturing simple moments in the soul. He watched the sun as it spread its largeness into a grateful sky. Rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons. He sighed, mesmerised by its beauty.

"Great party, X!" Someone shouted from behind him to be heard over the loud music and he turned to see Tango and Impulse walking up to him.
Xisuma smirked at them, even though he was aware that they couldn't see it through his helmet.

"Glad you guys are enjoying it." He said.

"Yeah," Impulse paused. "Mind if I ask a bit of a personal question?"

Xisuma tilted his head, considering it for a second. "Sure," he eventually said.

"Well," Impulse glanced at Tango before continuing. "Me and Tango here were betting on why you always wear a helmet and," he pointed to his green armor-like suit. "And why you might be dressed like that."

Xisuma chuckled. "You want to find out whose guess is correct?"

Tango looked at him, his red eyes reflecting his eagerness.
"If you don't mind that is," he said.

Xisuma looked at the ground, and Impulse and Tango got worried that they'd offended him.

But then he hummed in thought, wondering how he should explain his situation.
"Well you see," he leaned his back against the wall, his arms dangling on his sides. "When I turned 16 I caught a disease, and so my mother called in a healer admin from Leo." He gripped his side with his left arm and rested his right elbow on it, leaning his head on his right hand.

"The healer however, was unable to heal me for some reason, and said the virus was too strong to be defeated by his magic. I remember him calling in other healers and none of them being able to stop the pain in my body, and it only got worse and worse. The virus was starting to affect me physically by then and it started opening up cuts and wounds on my body, as if I'd cut it open myself."

He held out his right arm, showing them the many scars that covered his arm. Impulse and Tango's eyes' widened.

"None of the healers knew what to do and they were about to give up on me, but then one of them came up with this mixture, a white liquid-looking substance. They called it Remedium and told me it would help stop the virus as long as it constantly ran in my veins along with my blood. So I was given this helmet and this suit. You're not able to see it but there's thin needles on the inside of this suit that constantly sends Remedium to my body, and keeps me alive. It's also to make sure the virus is contained."

"Is there needles even on the inside of your helmet?" Impulse asked, curious.

"Oh no, not inside my helmet. Inside my helmet there's these small spray thingies that just spray Remedium every now and again."

Tango and Impulse exchanged glances.

"Well it seems none of us have gotten the answer right." Tango smirked.

"It appears so," Impulse shrugged. "I said it was simply because it was your style, and Tango said it was because you wanted to keep your identity private."

"Does that mean I win the bet?" Xisuma asked, clearly amused.

Impulse chuckled. "It appears so."

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