Chapter IX

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Bad word warning?
And also blood warning...

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"Xelqua?" Mumbo questioned, looking around for this 'Xelqua' person.

Grian seemed to shrink as the Watcher tilted their head towards him.

"Why did you run, little lamb?" The Watcher said.

Before Grian could answer, Xisuma cut in.

"Grian? Why do they want you?" He asked. He wasn't mad, at least not yet. He wanted to hear from Grian before he jumped to conclusions.

"I..." he started to say, but couldn't seem to bring himself to say the words that followed it.

"Grian is a Watcher like myself, isn't that right Grian?" The Watcher seemed to stare into Grian's soul even though Grian couldn't see their eyes.

Xisuma landed infront of Grian, gripping him by the shoulders and looking into his eyes.

"Tell me it isn't true Grian," he said desperately.
"Tell me he's lying, tell me you're not a Watcher."

Grian stood shell-shocked, unable to form words.

Xisuma slightly shook Grian.
"Why aren't you answering?" He asked softly.

Grian looked at him sadly, and he knew what the Watcher had said was true. He let his arms drop to his sides and took a few steps back, shaken from the truth he was receiving.

The Prime Admin watched sadly, the guilt inside her threatening to spill out of her guts as she forced herself to look away.
She was doing the right thing after all... right?

Grian stares at Xisuma until he locked eyes with him, and he whispered, just loud enough for only Xisuma to hear.
"Don't let them take me." He choked out.

Xisuma's eyes widened slightly at how desperate Grian sounded, and he slowly turned to face the Watcher who was still hovering above them.

"I won't let you take a Hermit of mine that easily." He said, venom dripping from his voice, putting Grian on edge.

The Watcher laughed humourlessly.
"You amuse me, I'll say that."

Xisuma brought his hands together and summoned a light purple sword, gripping the hilt.

"Well," The Watcher said. "This should be interesting."

They summoned their almost black sword, lowering themselves onto the ground.

Xisuma immediately lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards the Watcher, jabbing his sword out in an attempt to stab them when he was close enough. But The Watcher ducked forward, trying to cleave his legs. Xisuma noticed at the last second but he was a little slow earning himself a small, bleeding slice and he hissed in pain. The Watcher sprinted at him again, easily closing the distance between them, and Xisuma raised his sword the last second, their swords clashing together. The weight of Xisuma's sword seemed to be dragging the down the Watcher, but the Watcher quickly recovered and pushed back hard. They were very strong, so Xisuma jumped back and dashed forward with his sword straight out infront of him. He attempted to stab their arm but they tucked their shoulders in and sliced through Xisuma's armour, easily empaling his stomach.

"Shit," Xisuma snarled, jumping back and clutching his stomach, the blood running freely between his fingers. He dropped his sword, which vanished as soon as it hit the ground.

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