1 - The Email

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A/N: Just to remind you this is book 2 of the Veronica Weasley series. If you haven't already, then please go back and read book one first. Enjoy!


"How was the wedding? Sorry I couldn't make it but Daddy insists we leave the country during the anniversary."

"It was alright," I shrugged, throwing myself down behind my desk. "Any calls?"

Luna shook her head despondently before getting up to put the kettle on.

"Make sure it's a coffee," I barked. "Don't try and give me that fucking Gurdyroot crap again. It tastes like bogeys."

"Daddy says it helps put a good layer of hair on your toes - you'll thank me for it in the winter!"

Why on earth I let her loose on our customers, I'll never know.

Not that we had any.

I was still seething about the wedding. It would have been perfect advertising for the company. I could see it now: Ron Appetit, the Chosen One's only choice.

I mean, there had to be something gained from being Harry Potter's best mate, surely?

"How's Hermione?" Luna enquired as she sat the mug down upon my desk. "Still madly in love?"

"She moved in with Neville last week." I said, trying not to sound too bitter. "Which means I'll probably have to move back in with my fucking mother as I can't afford to rent a two bedroom flat on my own thanks to this poxy business."

"Oh, can't you find anyone to share? I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd want to reside in London."

I'm sure there were, but I was very particular about who I shared a bathroom with. And I had liked living with Hermione. I would never admit it aloud but it broke my heart when she told me she was moving out. I spent the last week walking around the lonely flat feeling as though I'd lost a limb.

And the thought of returning to the Burrow made me feel even worse. I loved my parents but I couldn't stand to see the pain on their faces. And I couldn't stand to be around all the memories of Fred.

I looked at Luna wondering if I should ask her to move in, but then quickly discarded that thought at the sight of those radishes dangling from her ears. It was bad enough having to work with her.

Although that wouldn't be for much longer if we didn't reel in some business anytime soon.

And just then, the phone rang.

I looked at Luna excitedly as she answered it.

"Ron Appetit's, here for all your catering needs." She trilled the greeting that I had coached her to use. "This is Miss Weasley's secretary at your service, how may I help?"

I watched expectantly as she made a series of agreeable sounds and animatedly scratched something down in her notebook.

"Excellent, we look forward to doing business with you. Goodbye."

My heart was pounding with excitement as she hung up.

"Well?!" I asked impatiently as she continued to scribble something down.

"Hermione would like to order three rounds of ham on white and one cheese and pickle on brown. To be sent to her office immediately."

I sat back, disappointment washing over me. Great. A fucking pity order.

"We're not a little fucking sandwich shop!" I bellowed, slamming my fist down on my desk. "We should be catering for functions! Weddings! Funerals!"

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