6 - Little Drops of Heaven

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The first thing I saw when Blaise and I Apparated back to Peverell Manor was Draco's furious face.

"Should you be leaving the party when you've got a kitchen to run?!" Draco spat, rounding on me almost immediately in the hallway outside the ballroom; his normally pale cheeks high in colour.

"Calm down, man," Blaise said, draping an arm over my shoulders. "She's been working hard all week on your engagement party. Thought we'd just take a moment to chill out."

"Chill out?" Draco snarled. "You two were practically fornicating in the middle of the dance floor! It's not exactly professional, Weasley; especially when I know my fiancée has paid you a small fortune to be here!"

My mouth hung open in disbelief as hurt, anger and a major wave of injustice tore through me.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" I yelled, just as Bambi herself stepped out into the hallway.

"What's going on?" Her eyes swept the scene and froze at the sight of Blaise's arm draped across my shoulders. "Oh. Blaise. Ronnie." She nodded to us, her smile suddenly strained and voice unnaturally high. "I see you two have been getting on well tonight."

Blaise's arm stiffened.

"Ronnie was just giving me a tour of her bedroom, nothing wrong with that, is there?" He snarled, a shocking bitterness to his voice. "Or have either of you two got a problem with that?"

Nobody said anything. The tension in the hallway was unbearable. I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling horrendously humiliated.

"I'd better go and see if Luna needs any help clearing up." I mumbled, shrugging myself out from under Blaise's arm and hurrying down the hallway without looking back.

The kitchen was clean and empty when I stepped inside. Luna must have cleaned up and excused the staff. I made a mental note to give her a bonus.

"I'm sorry."

I froze at the voice behind me. I turned around to see Draco standing in the kitchen doorway. His face was full of pain and anguish.

"You're always sorry, Draco." I said dryly. "But what you need to do is stop doing things to cause you to say that, otherwise your apologies start to become meaningless."

He sighed, rubbing his face which looked tired, reminding me of the days back in our sixth year of school when it turned out he'd been plotting the murder of our headmaster. I'd have felt sorry for him if I didn't feel so fucking angry.

"I've no right to comment on what you do... and with who-" he began, but I wouldn't let him finish, too incensed in my own fury.

"No you fucking don't!" I spat. "Didn't I hear you earlier announce to all and sundry that you'd never been prouder to devote your life to another woman?!"

"It just hurts to see you with another-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I bellowed as a red hot mist clouded my vision. "You weak, pathetic man! You choose not to be with me but at the same time you don't want anyone else to have me?! Well I'm not sorry to say it Malfoy, but tonight Blaise wanted me and I wanted him too! And let me tell you I just had the most amazing fuck - Blaise knows how to make a woman feel special. Perhaps you should start taking notes because that poor woman out there deserves better than YOU!"

Hurt flashed across his face. Breathing heavily, I stormed past him, making sure to slam heavily into his shoulder on my way out.

I wiped the tears from my face as I ran up the staircase, planning on grabbing my things and getting the fuck out of there.

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