16 - Discoveries

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After our bittersweet afternoon at Malfoy Manor, we Apparated back to the Peverell's; heavy hearted and downcast.

Draco's eyes met mine sadly as we stepped away from one another, our fingers taking longer than needed to fall apart.

I looked away, not being able to bear those silver grey eyes anymore; the horrifying, sick feeling that he was choosing reputation over me was breaking me in a way I could never describe.

Draco walked off in another direction, claiming a call of nature, whilst I morosely headed for the kitchen, hoping to find Bambi returned from the orphanage.

As I reached the kitchen door, I could hear voices. Voices that made me pause.

"But you're not even sleeping with him! How can you call what you have 'real'?"

It was Blaise. I closed my eyes in disdain. I was getting fed up of this whole fucking thing.

"Please, Blaise!" Bambi implored. "You know how it is. I've got to marry him! I can't be with you!"

"But I love you and you love me!"

"No Blaise, this needs to stop! I'm marrying Draco! And that was a really low move of you making me think I was needed in the orphanage!"

That little fucking prick! I should have guessed that idiot was behind it.

"I wanted to get you alone! Without Draco or Ronnie!"

"Don't Blaise! This is wrong! I can't betray them anymore! Today was the last time!"

I was just about to go storming in there to give Blaise a piece of my fucking mind when-

"What's going on?"

I jumped out of my skin. Draco had appeared behind me as I stood listening against the door.

"Nothing!" I gabbled a little too quickly. "I thought you were going for a piss?"

"Changed my mind." He shrugged, frowning at the closed kitchen door. "Why are you standing here? And why are you whispering like that?"

"BUT I DON'T WANT TO STAY AWAY!" Blaise's voice bellowed out from the other side of the door. "I WANT YOU, BAMBI!"

"What the fuck?" Draco spat, his eyes darting furiously from me to the closed kitchen door which I was now shielding.

"Wait Draco, you don't understand-" I started, but he pushed me aside as he lunged at the door, slamming it open.

Blaise and Bambi looked up startled, guilt clear on their faces.

"Draco!" Bambi gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in horror.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" Draco roared, breathing heavily as he glared furiously between Blaise and Bambi.

"Calm down, man," Blaise said, holding his hands up. "You know as well as I do that this marriage is wrong."

"Damn it, Blaise!" Draco bellowed, his face a pinched in fury. "Is it not bad enough that you've gone and fucked Ronnie, now you're trying to get in my fiancées knickers!?!"

"Draco!" I cried, hurt shredding my insides.

Bambi gave a little yelp as her eyes darted apprehensively from Draco to me.

Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now