48 - The Luckiest Witch in the World

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By Scorpius's first birthday, Draco and I had managed to purchase our own home; a four bedroom Cotswold cottage in a market town on the outskirts of Oxford.

"It's marvellous," Narcissa gushed, as we showed her around. "And I can just picture Scorp running around and playing in that beautiful garden with his friends... or maybe even with a brother or sister?"

Draco squeezed my hand as he clocked the look upon my face. It had been six months of trying and I still hadn't fallen pregnant.

"That's the plan, Mother," he murmured, kissing the top of my head as I looked sadly out at the garden.

Draco remained a lot more optimistic than me, convinced that the new home was all we needed.

"We'll have a garden, and the fresh country air will help." He had assured me. "It's not good you and Scorp being shut away in that flat in the city."

But I felt the fear; the fear that something was very, very wrong, especially when six months turned into a year.

"We made Scorp without even trying," I sobbed in Draco's arms after hearing the announcement of the arrival of Ginny and Harry's third child; Lily Luna. ("Why the fuck is Potter naming his daughter after our business partner?!")

"It's okay, baby," Draco soothed, clutching a hand to the back of my head as I wept against him. "We've got Scorp, we've got each other. Sod the Quidditch team; we're all we need. You're all I need."

But I couldn't help but feel like I was failing him, and failing our son too. I wanted Scorp to have siblings so much, especially as he was estranged from what would have been his closest age in cousins thanks to fucktard Harry.

But that was another thing; I missed my old best friend. I missed what we had when we were at school. In a way, as the days went by, I missed him more than I missed my sister.

"Do you want me to have a word with him?" Draco asked, when he found me weeping uncontrollably over an old photo of Harry and I, taken from that first summer together at the Burrow after we had rescued him in Dad's car.

But I just shook my head, shakily replacing the photo back in my old Potions book from where it had fallen out. "If he won't accept you and our son, then I refuse to have anything to do with him."

It was at that point that Scorpius came toddling in, dragging an uncle George giant teddy behind him.

"Dadda," he babbled, reaching a chubby hand out for Draco.

"Hey little man," Draco said, swooping him up in his arms. "Let's cheer Mummy up shall we? Let's tell Mummy how much we love her."

As if understanding, Scorp immediately thrust his soggy, chewed up, filthy soft toy towards me.

"Mumma teddy," he burbled, his bright silver eyes sparkling up at me as he again urged the bear in my face.

"Thanks, Scorp," I laughed, relieving it from his grasp as I kissed the top of his head where a thick mop of platinum blond hair sat.

He really was a miniature version of his father.

And, as I looked at them both, my heart flooded with such a fierce love, and I realised just how fortunate I actually was.

It didn't matter, I told myself, if I couldn't have any more children. And it didn't matter, that I'd long ago lost my childhood best friend.

Because I had everything I needed right here; Draco and Scorp.

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