24 - Punch

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I had just removed my freshly baked pastries from the oven, when the servants door at the back of the kitchen flew open, making me jump.

I whirled round to see Blaise enter, his face looking pained as he strode towards me.

"Ronnie, I've been trying to call you for days!" He hissed, after looking around to see if anyone else was lurking, satisfied that we were alone.

"I've been busy," I said flatly, as I threw my oven gloves to the side.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened." He implored, stepping up beside me. "I was a dick. But I meant it when I said I wanted us to give things a go."

"Well, you can fucking forget that for a start." I muttered, carefully removing each pastry case onto a tray.

"But why?" He said, sounding genuinely hurt. "We are good together!"

"Are you even supposed to be here, Blaise?" I muttered, turning away from him. "Bambi will be here in a minute, and she's bringing Draco."

"Well, we've all got to learn to be in the same room seeing as I am his Best Man in his wedding to Bambi."

The emphasis he put on her name sparked anger in my stomach.

"I will not be used in your pathetic dick waving competition!" I snarled, wheeling back round to glare at him, "I am fucking done with it!"

"Baby, what are you're talking about? I thought we had fun together?"

"YOU USED ME IN THE CRUELEST POSSIBLE WAY TO GET AT DRACO!" I bellowed. "And do you know the worst thing? I actually believed for one moment in my life that someone could make me happy. But I guess I was wrong. Instead you made me feel like nothing but a worthless fucking tramp, Blaise!"

A loud cough by the main kitchen door made us both swivel our heads round.

Draco was stood, his face set in an angry scowl, and even from where I was, I could see the tiny pulse of a muscle along his clenched jawline. My heart suddenly raced, and I couldn't help but feel guilty, even though I had done nothing to be ashamed of.

"Bambi wants you, Weasley," Draco muttered coldly, barely moving his lips as his eyes settled furiously on Blaise. "She's in the drawing room."

Sighing, I threw the remaining pastries down on the side and made my way across the kitchen. Draco stepped aside, his eyes remained fixed menacingly on Blaise as I strode past him out of the door.

As soon as the kitchen door swung shut behind me, I knew something was wrong when I saw Bambi up ahead, looking confused as she started to walk towards me.

"Ronnie? What-?"

The sound of muffled bellows rose from beyond the door behind me, followed by a sudden loud clattering, as though pots and pans were being tossed violently about.

"They're going to fucking kill each other," I breathed.

Without hesitation, I flew back into the kitchen, quickly followed by Bambi.

And sure enough, surrounded by my freshly cooked pastries; spoilt and scattered on the floor around them, Draco and Blaise were rolling around, trying to punch the living daylights out of one another.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING CUNT!" Draco was yelling, his face pinched in pink fury as he pummelled his fist over and over again into Blaise's face.

"STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM, DRACO!" Bambi cried behind me as I immediately removed my wand and flicked it towards their wrestling bodies, forcing them to fly apart.

Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now