59 - The Waiting Room

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Draco had a bad feeling.

It was about three quarters of the way through the flight when she started to speak to him, having been barely conscious before then, which the mediwizards assured him was just her resting.

She looked iller than she had looked at home. He was terrified that she was too weak for this. The Healer in St Mungo's had warned him she was far too gone already. But he had to try.

"Draco," she breathed, clutching his hand weakly in hers as he knelt down by the side of her bed.

"Baby, it's okay," he implored, squeezing her hand tightly, trying desperately not to cry as the machines beeped menacingly around her.

There was one mediwizard, Draco had noticed, who kept checking the monitor and proceeding to frown. He tried hard not to think about what this meant, deciding to concentrate only on his wife.

"Freida," Ronnie whispered raspingly, causing Draco to lean closer to hear her properly. "Don't blame her."

Draco closed his eyes as he squeezed her hand tighter. "Don't, Ronnie," he murmured. "Don't talk like this. We're so close now, soon we'll be on Canadian soil and you'll finally get the treatment you need."

"I love you," she breathed. "I've loved you ever since that fucktard Yule ball."

"Oh god, Ronnie," Draco sobbed, bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing it as if he could prolong her life. "Just hold on, please. We'll soon be there; we'll be in Canada and we'll get you better."

And, as if on cue, the pilot announced their descent, advising all onboard to put their seatbelts on. But Draco refused to leave his wife's side to go back to his seat.

"You're a good dad, Draco." Ronnie breathed, her voice barely audible. "I know you are. Our little girl is going to need you when you get home. And so is our Scorp."

Draco felt utterly panicked. She was talking like she was never going to go back.

"Stop-" he cried, but found he couldn't continue as a great shuddering sob escaped him. He could see it in her eyes; they were saying goodbye.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered sadly, her hand shakily leaving his to tenderly touch his cheek. "Tell the kids I love them."

"No, you can tell them yourself." He clasped his own hand over her's, pressing it furiously against his face; moving his lips so that he was kissing her palm, her fingers, her warm soft skin.

"I'm sorry. I tried." She trembled as tears rolled down her cheeks. Tears were cascading down his own as he kept clasping her hand tightly in his, silently begging her not to give up.

"We're so close, Ronnie. So close."

"I love you, Draco."

And then her hand went slack in his and the machines started beeping furiously as Draco was pushed aside.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Draco bellowed as panic tore at his insides. He tried to reach back for Ronnie but there was suddenly too many mediwizards and he was forced to the back of the plane as they worked frantically over her.

"Sir, you need to buckle up, we're going to land this plane quick." A man in green scrubs said firmly as Draco desperately tried to get back to her.

"Hold on Ronnie, please hold on," Draco murmured desperately over and over as he felt the plane make its descent.

He wouldn't give up - he refused to.

Relief flooded him as he felt the wheels land on Canadian land.

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