26 - The Indecent Proposal

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"Ronnie, wake up."

I stirred awake, confusion flitting over me. Morning sunlight streamed through the thin curtains, radiating down upon where I was led on the sofa; strewn across Draco, our arms and legs tangled together, my face nuzzled in his shirted chest. He smelled good. He felt good.

"Someone's knocking at the door." He murmured hoarsely, tightening his arms around me as I lifted my head to look up at his tired, yet warm silver grey eyes.

And sure enough, just as he said this, a furious pounding sounded from out in the hallway.


Shit. It was Bambi.

I quickly jumped off of Draco, guilt gnawing at my insides. I had just spent the night cuddled up to her fiancé on the sofa. How the fuck could I face her?

"You need to get out of here," I panicked, not understanding why Draco was looking utterly relaxed.

"It's okay, Ronnie," he said, sitting up and trying to rearrange his extremely crumpled shirt. "She was the one who told you to take me away. Remember?"

But it all felt wrong.

"Draco, I don't know what kind of fucked up arrangement you have with her, but I refuse to be a part of it!"

The knocking continued, and I marched furiously out of the living room, leaving Draco sitting as I went and answered the door.

"Oh, Ronnie, thank goodness!" Bambi cried, throwing her arms around me the second I opened the door.

"How's Blaise?" I asked, trying to unravel her arms from around me.

"He's resting." Bambi said, tears filling her eyes. "I took him back to his apartment before Daddy could find us." She paused, seemingly hesitant to continue. "How- how is erm... Draco?"

I froze. I didn't know what to tell her.

"I'm fine, Bambi,"

I whirled round to see that Draco had appeared in the hallway, looking disheveled in his crumpled suit. I realised I probably didn't look any better.

"You could have killed him," Bambi breathed, her voice shaking as she glared past my shoulder at her fiancé.

"I'm not going to lie," he muttered without a single amount of remorse. "I wanted to."

"Why?" Bambi implored, her face full of anguished pain.

"Because he hurt Ronnie." Draco spat sharply, his voice full of fierce conviction.

My heart stilled. Bambi looked from Draco to me, confusion etched across her face before turning back to Draco again. "He's your best friend! He's going to be your Best Man!"

"I'm not sorry for sticking up for her." He growled walking up behind me. "And I'd do it again a million times over."

My heart was racing as Draco closed the space so that I was right bang in the middle of them. To say this scenario was making me feel uncomfortable was a fucking understatement.

"Look," I said. "I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but maybe it'd be best if I step down from being your wedding-"

"NO!" They both hollered at once, making me jump.

I looked incredulously between the both of them, feeling utterly baffled by their reactions.

"Draco, can I have a word with you please?" Bambi said, composing herself. "There are- are some things I think we need to discuss."

Draco sighed heavily, his whole body sagging as if in defeat. "Yes, I think there are."

I didn't hesitate to excuse the fuckers.



Bambi looked apprehensively at me from across the table at Javu's.

I had been called to what I had assumed was a catering meeting later that day but was baffled to see that we were joined by an uncomfortable looking Draco and a bruised and battered looking Blaise.

"I- I think you know what we're saying," Bambi said nervously as I looked incredulously between the three of them.

"But- but you're still going ahead with the marriage?" I spluttered, not quite believing my ears.

"Yes," Bambi whispered, looking down at her glass of wine whilst Draco shifted awkwardly in his seat next to her.

I immediately turned to Blaise, who was seated next to me, to try and gauge his reaction. "Surely you're not going along with this?" I breathed.

"I love her," he muttered in a strangled voice, not meeting my eye. "If this is the only way..."

"IT IS NOT THE ONLY WAY!" I bellowed, not being able to help myself.

"Please, Ronnie," Bambi implored looking panicked as her eyes flitted furtively around the near empty restaurant. "This way you can be happy too."

At this, Draco's eyes met mine and I could see the apprehension and desperation written all over his face.

"Not like this," I shook my head, feeling horrifically desolate as I kept my eyes firmly on him. "I'm worth more than this."

"Ronnie-" Draco started but I threw my hand up signalling him to shut the fuck up.

I slowly stood up, feeling my whole body shaking. "I'm sorry, I just can't partake in this sick situation." I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I looked piercingly at Bambi. "You're paying me to cater food at your wedding; not to fulfil your fiancés needs so that you can ride the Best Man with a clear conscience."

Bambi's face crumpled whilst Blaise gave an awkward cough. "It's not like that Ronnie," she trembled.

"Funny, because it sounds exactly fucking like that." I snarled, turning on the spot and headed the fuck out of there.

"Ronnie!" Draco called as he chased me out onto the street grabbing my arm, forcing me to wheel round and face him.

But I was fucking furious and gave him my full rage.

"You fucked her! You fucked her to get back at me and Blaise and I can't fucking forgive you for that! And on top of that I can't forgive you for all the other times you've hurt me! And this takes the fucking biscuit! You are asking me to be your mistress! How fucking low you must think of me! I'd sooner dedicate my life to fucking cats than be your dirty little secret! AND I FUCKING HATE CATS!"

People were giving us odd looks as they bustled past us in the street. Draco looked highly embarrassed but I could no longer give a toss.

"I am so sorry, Ronnie, you don't know how much I wish I could change things," he pleaded, his face pained. "Tell me what to do - I'll do anything!"


He stilled.

"I'm sorry. I have to."

And I was amazed my heart was still continuing to beat.


"Ronnie, please! Don't be like this. I lo-"

But his pathetic ramblings were cut off as I Diasapparated the fuck away.


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