51 - Dark Days

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I tried my hardest to give my son the biggest smile I could muster as he came running into my hospital room.

"Careful Scorpy," Dad warned before he could jump onto my bed. "Remember what we said about being gentle around Mummy."

"It's okay, Dad," I said weakly as I reached out a shaky arm so Scorp could put a small hand in mine.

"When are you coming home, Mummy?" He asked, his bottom lip quivering ever so slightly. "Daddy keeps crying. I think he needs a cuddle."

I felt my heart shatter. I hadn't seen nor heard from Draco since he walked out after my decision to continue with the pregnancy.

That was two weeks ago.

"He's struggling to accept your decision," Narcissa had explained when she visited me to apologise for her son's behaviour. "I have tried to explain how a mother's love starts for their child the moment life is in the womb; but it's difficult for him to understand. As far as he's concerned you are giving up on him and Scorp, and it's hurting him deeply."

"And it's not hurting me?" I cried. "I don't want to die. But I also don't want to live by sacrificing my baby."

"I know, my dear," she had cried with me, stroking my hair, "I know."

And now here was Scorp, telling me that his daddy was crying at home whilst his mummy was dying in hospital.

None of this was fair.

"Will you do something for me, little man?" I whispered to my son, who nodded solemnly. "Make sure you give Daddy plenty of hugs and tell him you love him lots and lots."

"Shall I draw him a picture?" He asked, his little face lighting up. "Daddy likes pictures. Do you think that will make him happy again, Mummy?"

I nodded as tears stared spilling down my face. "I think he'd love that, Scorp," I choked.

"How about we go and see what treats we can find in the vending machine today, young man," Mum said coaxingly, ushering Scorp from the room as I hurriedly wiped my face.

"Hey, hey," my father said kindly, but firmly. He took a seat beside my bed once the door closed behind them. "No tears, remember; we need positive thoughts for that baby."

I nodded, but I found it hard to remain positive without Draco by my side. I needed him, and I needed his support.

"He'll come round," my father tried to reassure me, as if reading my mind. "He's just frightened of losing you; if this had happened to your mother I think I'd have felt the same."

"But what if I- I... die?" I trembled as fresh tears fell down my face. "I won't get to say goodbye."

"I think, dear Ronnie," Dad sighed heavily, "that's exactly what he's avoiding."

The truth was though, even though I was still getting weaker, I was actually deteriorating a lot slower than expected. They had been pretty convinced I would be dead by now, but I was holding on, and so was the baby. It meant I couldn't leave the hospital though, not until my baby was cooked enough for it to be safely delivered.

It just made me more convinced I had made the right decision. And as the weeks passed by, Draco's complete lack of faith in our baby stopped hurting me and started angering me instead.

When I reached six months, the lead healer on my case entered my room with an extremely grave expression on his face.

I had been in hospital for almost two months now, and by this point, I could barely turn my head I had become so weak.

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