3 - Peverell Manor

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"Jesus fucking christ!"

"It's quite something, isn't it?" Luna marvelled as we looked up at the freaking palace before us. "Although, I'm sensing quite a lot of Wrackspurts. It's a shame I lost my Spectrespecs, they would be really useful right now."

I tried not to mutter something sarcastic as I took in our surroundings. No wonder Draco wanted to marry this Bambi; this place made Malfoy Manor look like a cheap little rundown shack.

"Ronnie, darling!" The massive doors flew open and there was Bambi herself, bounding down the steps towards us.

"Brace yourself," I muttered warningly under my breath.

"Oh, it's simply marvellous to see you again," Bambi cried delightedly as she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. "I was just telling Daddy all about you and how you've saved my life!"

She was greeting me like a long lost best friend - not someone whom she had met for the first time just the previous fucking day.

"Oh, were you at the battle of Hogwarts too?" Luna asked, smiling serenely up her.

Bambi let go of me and blinked confusedly at Luna as though she had only just registered her presence.

"What a fascinating necklace!" Bambi breathed in awe, staring at the ring of Butterbeer corks around Luna's neck. "You must show Mummy! She simply adores funny little knick knacks like this. Drives Daddy absolutely potty. He'll spend a small fortune on sparkling jewels and she'll come out wearing items that she found on a bric a brac stall. Can you imagine?! Oh, how it makes us giggle!"

"Oh, it's not for decoration," Luna said in an ethereal voice, a completely solemn expression on her face. "I wear it to keep the Nargles away."

I closed my eyes in disdain. I made a mental note to keep Luna away from potential future clients.

"Nargles? I can't say I've ever heard of them. How extraordinary!" Bambi gushed, sounding genuinely fascinated.

For fuck's sake, I was surrounded by fucking weirdos.

"Anyway, come in! Come in!" Bambi continued, linking both our arms as she guided us up the steps towards the front door. "Too early for a little drinkie-poo? Probably. I'll get Jeeves to pop the kettle on. Perhaps we can take tea in the Aviary garden? It's simply wonderful at this time of year. And you must tell me all about these delightful Nargles. I'm Bambi by the way, and you must be Luna? Ronnie told me so much about you!"

The girl did not shut up. Try as I might, I just couldn't imagine Draco being with her.

But then again, there was only one person I liked to imagine Draco being with.

She dragged us through to see the kitchen first, which was, as I expected, fucking massive.

"You will be quite all right in here?" She asked, frowning. "Not too cramped, I hope? I'm not sure what size kitchen you're used to working in, but hopefully this will do."

Was she taking the fucking piss? I thought about our pathetic little kitchen behind the office where it took only two people to make it crowded. You could fit a small country in this one and still have room to do the Hokey fucking Cokey.

"It's a pity about the Wrackspurts," Luna said, before I could stop her, "but I'm sure we will manage."

"Wrackspurts?" Bambi asked, bewilderedly looking around the pristine kitchen. "Will I need to call someone in?"

"Only the fucking quacks," I muttered.

Half an hour later, we were sat out in what Bambi called the Aviary garden, sipping Earl Grey tea. I tried not to spit it out in disgust. Still - at least it was better than that crap Luna kept attempting to brew up in the office.

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