23 - Smack

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I looked on, feeling utterly horrified as the door slammed shut behind Draco.

"What the fuck was that, Blaise?!" I cried angrily shrugging his arm off. "You let him in?! You knew he was here?!"

"Serves the fucker right," Blaise sniggered completely unashamedly. "Give him a taste of his own medicine."

"YOU WERE GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH ME KNOWING HE COULD HEAR US!" I roared, my stomach twisting sickeningly.

"I doubt he would have stuck around to listen, baby," he drawled, his eyes glinting in mine, "as good as you sound when I'm pleasuring you, though."

There was a loud sound like a crack in the air as the palm of my hand smacked against his cheek.

"You're sick, you know that?" I spluttered, my heart racing horrifically in my chest. I felt so angry, so used and so fucking hurt.

"Baby, don't be like that-"

"DON'T BABY ME!" I screamed, storming back into the bedroom to grab my clothes. Fury was ebbing through my veins and all I wanted to do in that moment was hex his fucking cock off.

They were all toxic; the lot of them. Using sex as a weapon, playing mind games and deluding themselves that family reputation was more important than their own happiness.

I was done with it.

"Look, I didn't plan it." Blaise said hurriedly, as if suddenly realising how much he had upset me. "He buzzed when you were in the shower, and I just couldn't resist. I'm sorry, in hindsight I guess I can see it was a pretty dickish thing to do to you."

"YOU GUESS?!" I roared, trying to yank the zip up on my dress, "you had no right, Blaise! No fucking right! And to think I was just starting to wonder if this could be the start of something good, that I could finally allow myself to be happy with someone who respected me and that I could trust!"

"It still can be, Ronnie," Blaise implored, his face suddenly full of panic as he grappled for my arm. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I do respect you, you can trust me!"

I just looked at him, shaking my head incredulously as I stepped out of his reach.

"You've literally just proven to me that neither of those statements are true." I said, my body shaking furiously in my attempt to try and keep my voice steady. "So much for treating me like a fucking queen, and so much for never fucking hurting me."

"Ronnie," he said, his face pained. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"That's what they always fucking say." I spat.

And then, with one last disappointed glare, I Disapparated away.


"How was the New Years Eve party? Did you and Blaise have a nice time?"

I inwardly groaned as I followed Bambi through to the Peverell's kitchen.

"As good a time as you can expect to have at an egotistical bastard's party," I muttered flatly.

We were two weeks into the new year and I hadn't seen anyone since I Disapparated out of Blaise's apartment, choosing to hole myself up in my flat and turning my phone off.

You would think that after such a long, unexpected silence with me being uncontactable, someone would desperately come knocking to see if I was okay, or at least call emergency services to break down my door in case I was dead.

But it seemed no one gave a fuck, not even my parents.

This was such a fucking depressing realisation.

However, I couldn't hide away forever and I had to get on with the job Bambi was paying me to do.

So, here I was, back at Peverell Manor, ready to try out new buffet ideas which Bambi had added to the list.

"You are a darling, all the work you've put into this," Bambi gushed, "and putting up with me always changing my mind."

I simply shrugged, setting out the kitchen tools in front of me. "I'm just doing my job."

She reached out a hand, placing it tentatively on my arm. I froze, ladle in hand.

"I miss you, Ronnie." She said, looking up at me solemnly. "Please, whatever's happened between us; between us and the boys, I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

Slowly, I pulled my arm away from her grasp and continued to set out the kitchen worktop.

"I'm sorry, Bambi," I said as carefully as I could. "But when the wedding is over, I think it's best if I stay away. I appreciate this opportunity you have given me, I really do, and I'll always be grateful to you. But there are just too many unresolved... issues."

"Between you and Draco, you mean?"

I stilled. I was not expecting Bambi to address one of the biggest fucking elephants in the room.

"There's nothing between Draco and I," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's ancient history."

"I'm not stupid," she said, her voice surprisingly calm; gentle even. "What he said about you and Blaise. And how you've been towards me since... well... you know."

I closed my eyes. This was exactly why I needed to separate myself from this dysfunctional group.

"I need to get on if you want to try these new ideas out by the end of the day," I said with as much effort as I could muster. I didn't want to get into who loves who. I was too fucking exhausted by it all.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie, I really am." She said sadly.

And, as I looked into her desolate and forlorn face, I could see she really was.


Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now