10 - Potter's Pregnancy Problems

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"So, how's working with the ex going?"

"He's not actually an ex, Harry," I muttered, wondering why this fucktard was bothering me at work, "not when we were never really together."

"Oh, that's right," Harry scoffed pompously, as he sat back in the chair across from my desk, "because he was too much of a coward to admit he wanted to be with a blood traitor even though he was more than happy to continually bone one."

"Fuck off you half blood dick, haven't you got a world to save?" I said, angrily tapping at my keyboard.

"Not really, Ronnie," Harry sighed heavily. "If I'm being honest I'm avoiding the office. Your sister keeps calling me every five minutes wanting this and wanting that; complaining about aches and pains. It's driving me nuts."

"Which is ironic because it's your fucking nuts that got you in this situation in the first place." I barked, having zero sympathy for this idiot.

Not when I was suffering through problems of my own.

Draco had made an obvious effort to keep a distance between us since the incident in the kitchen, choosing to forgo sitting in on any catering talk. And when we had been forced in each other's company, he acted visibly coolly towards me.

I couldn't tell if this was him respecting my wishes or if he was indeed genuinely upset by me snubbing his 'advances'.

Either way, I felt hurt, but I had to keep reminding myself that it was probably best this way. It would make it slightly easier when it came to saying goodbye after the nuptials. Slightly.

The truth was, I missed him. And that afternoon in the kitchen made me realise just how much. I craved to be in his company. But I was kidding myself if I thought that I would be happy with just friendship.

Because I would always want more.

And beyond anything it frustrated me knowing that he felt that too, yet he was still going ahead with a marriage that he didn't want.

Well, actually he did want it; that was the problem. He wanted it more than he wanted me.

He had a choice.

And that's what hurt the most.

I focused my attention back on Harry who was still moaning about his seven month pregnant wife.

"... and when I told her I know pain because I've been Crucio'd countless amount of times, she threw the Bumper Book of Baby Names at me! And it really hurt!"

"Harry - I don't know much about pregnancy, but have you considered not being at the birth? It doesn't sound like you're going to be much fucking help."

"What Ginny needs to do is ride a hippogriff naked across the Niagra Falls at twilight whilst drinking an infusion of bubotuber puss and sopophorous bean juice," Luna said as she serenely braided her hair from behind her desk. "Daddy says it always helped Mummy cure her aches when she was carrying me."

"Explains a lot." I muttered, wondering how I managed to constantly surround myself with fucking freaks.

"Thanks, Luna," Harry said, nodding over to her. "I'll let her know. Perhaps she can go tonight and give me a night off."

"You're fucking pathetic Harry," I snapped. "My sister deserves better. What are you going to be like when the baby comes along and starts keeping you up at night?"

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