2 - Bambi

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"Ronnie, are you okay?"

I blinked up at Luna who was looking at me strangely.

"I- uh... I- just think I need to-"

But I didn't finish my sentence due to the sudden rise of bile from my stomach, and I raced to the bathroom to throw up violently into the toilet.

I couldn't do it. I had to get back to this Bambi woman and tell her I had made a mistake in saying yes.

Bambi. He was marrying a woman who shared the name with a stupid Muggle cartoon deer! What were they going to name their kids? Thumper and Flower?

My stomach heaved as I imagined him holding a baby - their baby.

"Ronnie? This is good, no?" Luna called from the other side of the door. "Ron Appetit is saved! Oh, Daddy will be pleased! I was starting to worry that you'd have to close the company - money has been so tight at home. Especially after we had to rebuild it after the Crumple-Horned Snorkack horn exploded!"


I shakily flushed the chain, not wanting to get into that argument again.

Fuck. I didn't know what to do. Luna was right - this gig could save us.

But... Draco.

I leant over the sink, splashing water on my face. It had been five years. Five years. Of course he had moved on. I was being pathetic. I needed to get over it.

I couldn't let a stupid teenage fling get in the way of business.

Taking a deep breath, I held my head up high and walked out of the bathroom.

Besides, I thought, she was probably really fucking ugly.


She wasn't.

In fact, she was so breathtakingly beautiful that I wanted to vomit again.

"Ronnie Weasley?" She asked, standing up to enthusiastically shake my hand. "You don't know how glad I am that you responded so quickly. You've simply saved my life, darling!"

She gave me such a warm, kind smile that I just wanted to burst into tears. Why did she have to be fucking nice?!

We were in Javu's; a restaurant that only the elite witches and wizards frequented. It had been Bambi's idea. She 'simply' insisted that she treat me to lunch right away so that we could discuss the menu.

"But I'm not dressed for it!" I had spluttered to Luna as I read Bambi's immediate response to my 'yes'.

But Luna had assured me that my tired, grey, crappy suit looked fine. I looked like a fucking frump next to Bambi though, who was dressed immaculately in what was no doubt a highly expensive designer white summer dress.

"I understand you went to Hogwarts with my fiancé?" Bambi gushed, after clicking her fingers at a nearby waiter ("Your finest bottle of Champagne darling - only the best for my saviour!").

"Um... yes, but we were in different houses." I mumbled, anxiously shuffling my paperwork in front of me. I didn't want to talk about him. In fact, I was praying we could get through this job without having much to do with him at all.

Besides, I couldn't imagine the likes of Draco Malfoy wanting to get involved with the planning of food at such occasions.

"Oh yes!" Bambi giggled as the waiter immediately reappeared with the popping of a cork. "The infamous Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry! Obviously, being a Beauxbaton's student, I wasn't really in the know- come on darling, you can do better than that!" She said, turning her attention to the waiter who had poured small measures. He apologised, instantly filling up the flutes to the brim.

Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now