12 - Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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Draco remained firmly by my side after the incident with Pansy.

"Nah, I'm fine here," he had shrugged when I suggested he might want to go and mingle with Bambi's friends, "and besides, somebody needs to keep an eye on you in case you get into another fight."

I glared at him as I took another long drink of my cocktail and lay back on the lounger listening to him chuckling softly as I closed my eyes.

We swam out into the water together, which although was referred to as a pool, actually resembled an entire ocean.

"How far does it actually go?" I asked, completely bemused as I squinted out to the horizon. "And how is it that we are just in a building in the garden?!"

"Magic," Draco chuckled as we treaded the water side by side. "Best not to question it."

"But if we carried on swimming, then where would we end up? And would we still be at the Peverell's?" I frowned. It was hurting my mind.

"Want to find out, Weasley?" He grinned mischievously, his eyes glinting into mine. "Just you and me swim off into the sunset together?"

"Don't say things like that," I said. "Not if you don't fucking mean it."

"Who says I don't?" And I gasped as he reached out and pulled me roughly to his chest. "I want to kiss you so much," he growled as our legs both kicked against each other, trying to stay afloat. "I want to make love to you and call you mine."

"Draco," I sighed.


I blinked. I was still on the sun-lounger. Draco was looking over at me expectantly.

"Huh?" I asked, my head still addled with confusion after my impromptu nap.

"You said my name," he chuckled. "Dreaming about me again, were you?"

I felt my cheeks flame as I looked away in the pretence of grabbing my drink.

"Oh look, Blaise and Bambi." I nodded across to where they were walking side by side towards us. "I wonder where they've been?"

I was going to point out what a cute couple they made, when I quickly remembered that I was talking about Draco's fiancée and his best mate.

"Maybe he was giving her a birthday present?" Draco shrugged nonchalantly.

"I heard you had an altercation with Parkinson," Blaise sniggered as he drew up beside us and threw himself down on the sand.

"I'm so sorry, Ronnie," Bambi gushed plonking down on the foot of my lounger, causing the shells around her neck to clink loudly together. "I feel so absolutely dreadful. But don't you worry, I've had security remove that ghastly woman. I simply cannot tolerate bullying."

"Hey - she wasn't bullying me, nobody bullies Ronnie Weasley!" I roared indignantly. "She was just being her usual bitch self and needed someone to put her in her fucking place!"

"And you sure did that," Draco scoffed, "If I hadn't stepped in they would be carting you off to Azkaban for murder right now."

I noticed Blaise look up sharply. "Oh?" His eyes darted curiously between Draco and I.

"Oh thank goodness you were there, Draco." Bambi breathed dramatically. "I simply cannot begin to tell you how guilty I felt when I heard. I'm so sorry I abandoned you, Ronnie!"

"I don't need looking after," I shrugged, causing Draco to let out a loud derisive snort.

"Oh don't be silly, Ronnie," Bambi said, patting a sympathetic hand on my lower leg. "We all need looking after every once in a while."

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