34 - The Future Mr Peverell

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Draco and I immediately Apparated to Blaise's apartment.


"Draco, calm the fuck down!" I cried as Draco proceeded to pace back and forth, agitatedly driving his hands through his hair.

"You wouldn't understand!" He hollered at me, his face high in colour. "This marriage was my way to make everything right; to place the Malfoy name back where it belongs - amongst the wealthiest and highly regarded of wizarding families!"

My jaw dropped open and I found myself blanching at the hurt that ripped violently through my stomach.

"You have got to be fu-"

But my angry outburst was cut short by Blaise's fist connecting with Draco's jaw.

"FUCK THE STUPID MALFOY REPUTATION!" Blaise bellowed as Draco staggered backwards into the kitchen table. "YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER SELFISH CUNT!"

Draco blinked up at us, clutching the side of his face, wincing in pain.

"Where's Bambi?" I furiously asked Blaise, pointedly ignoring the pathetic blond ferret.

"She left about two hours ago," Blaise said breathlessly, looking pained, "she got a phone call waking us up. It was her father ordering her home. We had no idea why at the time. She just said he sounded urgent."

"Do you think she'll be okay?" I asked, as a cold fear trickled down my spine about what that man could be capable of.

But Blaise just shook his head, his face mirroring my fear. "I need to go and see if she's alright, man."

"No." I said immediately. "Blaise, I don't think you turning up will go down well. Give her a call and see if everything is okay. And if she doesn't answer then I'll go."

He nodded, immediately getting his phone out.

"Ronnie-" Draco started, as he took a step towards me, still nursing his jaw.

"Shut the fuck up, Draco." I spat venomously, holding my hand up to prevent him coming any nearer. "I'm not interested in anything you've got to say anymore."

He looked startled, taking a tentative step back.

"She's not answering," Blaise said in a strangled, fearful voice.

"Right, then I'll go," I said getting ready to turn. "I'll say I'm there on catering business."

"Ronnie wait, I don't like this!" Draco spluttered, grabbing my arm. "That man can be dangerous."

"AND YET YOU ARE SO FUCKING DESPERATE TO MARRY INTO HIS FAMILY?!" I bellowed, wrenching my arm back. "Screw you Malfoy; we're not all cowards."

He flinched, as if I'd just slapped him.

I could barely look at him, I felt disgusted; disappointed. But mostly with myself for ever thinking that this truly arrogant, conceited prick could ever love me enough to just want to be with me.

But I didn't have time to dwell on this right now, so I left him in Blaise's kitchen whilst I Apparated to Peverell Manor.

I ran up the stone steps yanking the door open. I went to call out Bambi's name, but the sound of voices coming from behind the closed drawing room door made me pause.

It was Arnold Peverell. And he sounded fierce.

I tiptoed my way to the door to listen.

"I thought I brought you up better than this, girl!"

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