13 - The Wedding Fair

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Things became easier after the pool party now that Draco and I had come to some sort of truce.

I was glad that he was no longer ignoring me, and he even started joining in on catering talk, offering ideas of his own. I couldn't help but feel secretly impressed with his culinary knowledge.

The problem was, I found myself looking achingly forward to being around him, feeling horrendously disappointed when he wasn't there; and my mind constantly on him, always.

But I felt horribly guilty when it came to Bambi. Despite knowing that her heart lay with Blaise, it still felt like a massive betrayal to be yearning after her fiancé.

Because at the end of the day, she was still choosing to marry Draco.

A decision I felt we all needed to respect. No matter how much it fucking hurt.

And then one day, everything changed. Again.

It all started with a Wedding Fair.

"Oh Ronnie, we must go!" Bambi gushed as she waved a pink leaflet in my face. "Think of all the cuisines we could try out!"

She even organised an appointment for us to meet with a highly renowned wizard chef, in the hope that we could butter him up to get him to share his contacts where he sources his rare, sought after ingredients from.

"Just think, Ronnie," Bambi cried gleefully, "we could be serving up roast Phoenix and devilled Norwegian Ridgeback eggs!"

"Sounds um... lovely." I said, wondering who on earth ate dragons eggs, let alone devilled ones. And was it even legal?

However, on the morning of the Wedding Fair, Bambi came rushing down the stairs to greet me in the hallway of Peverell Manor, concern etched over her face.

"I'm so sorry, Ronnie, but I won't be able to make it!" She apologised fretfully. "I have just received an owl saying the orphanage I volunteer at are in desperate need for help today. And I have to put those poor children first!"

"It's okay, Bambi, I understand." I assured her, whilst simultaneously wondering how much more fucking annoyingly perfect could this girl get. "We can do it another time."

"But the fair is today only, and we have that amazing opportunity with that chef. Ronnie, you must go without me. Draco can escort you. I've already rung him and he's on his way."

Before I could protest, a loud crack sounded right beside me, and the white-blond haired Slytherin appeared out of nowhere smirking widely at me.

"Jesus fuck, Draco! You made me jump out of my fucking skin!" I cried, clamping a hand to my racing heart.

"Watch that mouth Weasley, or I might reconsider my generous offer of keeping you company today."

"This is where you need to go," Bambi said, hurriedly thrusting a leaflet in Draco's hand. "The designated Apparation areas are on the back. Do have fun darlings, and I'll see you both later. I'll get Jeeves to whip us something up in the kitchen for supper."

She gave us each a chaste kiss on the cheek before Disapparating.

"I feel like I've just been seen off by my fucking mother." I said, rubbing my cheek, as Draco chuckled at my expression.

"You don't like it when people do that, do you?" He smirked.

"Do what?"

"This." And in one swift movement, he pulled me to him, pressing his lips firmly against my cheek, instantly Disapparating us out of there.

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