38 - Healing Hearts

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I stood outside Potter Palace, clinging onto the white-blond haired Slytherin, drenching his shirt with my grief.

I knew I should push him away and tell him to fuck off, but I just didn't have the strength.

And, if I was being perfectly honest with myself, in that moment, I needed him.

"Oh, Ronnie," Draco murmured softly, holding me tightly to him as he soothingly stroked my hair.

I didn't say anything, instead allowing his embrace to calm me. I breathed in his oh so familiar scent of expensive cologne mingled with a hint of earthy sweat, taking me back to blissful times.

"What your mother said-" Draco started, but I couldn't let him go on.

"I wish it had been me," I wept bitterly, my voice muffled against his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and dug my fingertips into his back, almost piercing him, as the pain of recalling my mother's words rolled over me in violent waves.

Draco gave a low hiss, his arms squeezing around me a fraction tighter. "Don't say that," he growled fiercely, "never say that."

"She hates me, my own mother hates me." I sobbed.

"Hey," Draco said vehemently as he unravelled his arms from around me to place his hands on either of my face and forced me to look up at him. "You are all still grieving; she wouldn't have meant it, I promise you. Your mother loves you, Ronnie, how could she not?"

And, as his silver eyes pierced mine, I felt the familiar fluttering of my heart as the breath caught in the back of my throat, and for a moment, I forgot. I forgot my anger at him, forgot the hurt he had caused me over the years.

"Draco," I trembled longingly, and I felt a fresh tear roll down my cheek.

A soft expression fell upon his face as he gently wiped my tear away with the pad of his thumb.


Startled, both Draco and I immediately broke guiltily apart as we looked up to see George scowling from the top of the steps, hurriedly making his way down to us.

"Don't you think my sister's been through enough without having you trying to mess with her head again?!" He snarled at Draco.

"George, it's okay," I tried to placate him, although I didn't really think anything was okay anymore.

"As far as I'm concerned," George continued furiously, ignoring me as he reached the bottom of the steps and rounded immediately on Draco, "the further away she is from you, the better, you toxic piece of shit!"

"I was worried about her!" Draco bellowed. "The way she was spoken to was-"

"DON'T YOU DARE START JUDGING MY FAMILY, MALFOY!" George roared, violently stabbing a finger directly in Draco's chest. "ESPECIALLY AFTER ALL THE FUCKING DAMAGE YOU'VE CAUSED!"

"That wasn't what I was doing," Draco said, standing his ground. "I care for Ronnie-"

"CARE?!" George laughed incredulously. "You don't care about anyone but yourself, Malfoy! My god, you have no idea what you've done to her, do you?!"

"George, come on," I said trying to take his arm to move him away from Draco. The last thing I wanted was for them to start brawling on Harry's front lawn.

And I was feeling a bit panicked about George saying a little too much in his anger.

"NOT UNTIL HE FUCKS OFF!" George bellowed, his face red with anger as he looked disgustedly on at Draco. "I've beaten up the jumped up little ferret before and I'd happily do it again!"

"Ronnie...?" Draco said looking at me imploringly; hopeful, even.

But my moment of weakness had gone, and I knew George was right. As I looked at Draco, all I could see was a boy who had caused me years of hurt and pain. And it was time to stop.

So I immediately hardened my heart.

"Draco, thank you for coming to check on me," I said with a renewed steeliness to my voice. "But George is here now, and this is family stuff. You need to go back to your fiancée."

I didn't miss the flicker of hurt flash in his eyes.

"She said go, Malfoy," George sneered when Draco hesitated. "Know when you're being rejected, you prick."

"Is that what you want, Ronnie?" Draco asked, ignoring George and looking at me.

I nodded, making sure to keep my voice steady and look him coldly in the eye. "It is."

Pain crumpled his face; his shoulders sagging heavily. And, with one last sad look at me, he turned and dejectedly ascended back up the steps.

"You did the right thing," George muttered as we watched him disappear back into Potter Palace.

I simply nodded, not being able to speak for the horrific stinging lump that had just formed in my throat.

We remained standing, side by side in a sad silence, both lost in our somber thoughts as the April wind whipped our hair.

"I'm glad you've decided to join me," I managed to eventually whisper.

George grabbed my hand, squeezing it in mine. "I don't think Fred would forgive me if I let you go this alone, do you?"

I looked at him, startled; my heart both hurting and swelling at the easy way he had mentioned our brother.

"No," I said, feeling the lump dissolving slightly as his lips tugged into a sad, yet genuine smile. "He would quite possibly kick your arse."

And, as I grinned back at him, our eyes both shining with tears, I realised that this trip could possibly be the start of us healing our grief stricken hearts.



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