49 - Bad Daddy

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Draco treated me like I was extra precious cargo; constantly opening doors for me, refusing to let me carry anything and frustratingly of all - withholding all bedroom activity.

"I just don't want to hurt the baby," he explained to me one night when I practically screamed at him to fuck me.

"BUT I'M HORNY!" I yelled, crying real tears of frustration.

The following day, I presented him with all this medical information that I had researched and printed off, all of which claimed it was perfectly safe to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy. But Draco still wasn't having it.

"When the baby is born you can have all the sex you like my dear, but for now I think the rest will do us - and the baby - good."

And with that, he laid back, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I frustratedly tossed my pillow to the other side of the bedroom.

"Well you were trying for nearly four years." Neville said when I moaned about it to him and Hermione over coffee at their house the following morning. "The poor git is probably exhausted."

"You mean he's using this bullshit about not wanting to hurt the baby just so he can get a break from sex?" I asked, feeling ridiculously offended.

"Pretty much, yeah." Neville shrugged, taking an unnecessary irritatingly noisy sip of his coffee.

The sound of giggling drifted through from the sitting room where Scorp and Rose sat watching cartoons together.

Hugo started wailing on Hermione's lap upon hearing his sister. "Rosie!" He sobbed. "Want Rosie!"

"Shhh Hugo, leave them be," Hermione cooed soothingly. "You know you'll just end up annoying them again."

This just made him cry harder and I couldn't help but smile at the idea of Scorp having an 'annoying' little sibling to bicker with.

My hand went to my stomach where it had only just started slightly protruding. In just under seven months time, I thought, as my heart gave a small flutter, he would have exactly that.


"Is Daddy a bad man, Mummy?"

I slammed my foot on the brake in shock, making both Scorp and I lurch forwards in our seats. Draco had insisted I learn to drive a Muggle car, not wanting me to risk Apparation whilst I was pregnant.

Only I don't think he had anticipated what a shit driver I was.

I craned my head round to look questioningly at my platinum blond haired son as angry drivers blared their horns around us.

"Why would you say that, Scorp? Of course Daddy is not a bad man."

He shrugged, casting his eyes downwards as he did so. "Rosie says Daddy did bad things."

"What?!" I felt a sudden wave of fury; wondering just what the fuck Hermione and Neville were telling their children about Draco.

"What things, Scorp? What exactly did Rose say about Daddy?" I asked forcefully, wondering whether to turn the car right around and march back into the Longbottom's abode to give them a piece of my fucking mind.

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