52 - Fury

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My eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, baby," a beautiful, familiar voice spoke softly, "you're back with us."

I desperately tried to focus, to take in where I was.

Silver grey eyes twinkled in mine and I felt a rush of calming warmth as a recognisable scent hit me and fingers squeezed in mine.

I tried to say his name but found I couldn't. Panic tore at me as my hands scrabbled at my face, pulling the mask away that was covering my mouth.

"Hey, hey," he said soothingly, helping me remove it carefully as I lay breathless and helpless.

"My baby," I croaked. "Where's my baby?"

"She's fine, Ronnie," Draco spoke gently, tenderly stroking my face. "She's being looked after."

"She?" I choked. "We had a little girl?"

Tears started spilling down my cheeks as he nodded, looking down at me, his grey eyes swirling with a mixture of love and regret.

"I'm so sorry," he murmured shakily, "I should have had more faith in you."

Yeah, he fucking should have. He was lucky I was too weak to let fucking rip.

"I want to see my baby," I rasped hoarsely.

"Ronnie, you can't. You- you need rest."

And out of nowhere, I felt a sudden flash of anger.

"I didn't just spend the last two months fucking dying in hospital - on my own - not to see my fucking baby, Draco!"

"Okay, just calm down," he said, his eyebrows shooting up in alarm at my sudden outburst. "I'll see what I can do."

He strode out of the room and I looked away, trying to ignore the fury that had come over me so suddenly and so fiercely. I was so relieved Draco was back - of course I was. But I felt so let down by him. He had lost faith in me when I had needed him the most - when we needed him the most.

Draco returned in less than five minutes with a Healer in tow.

"Miss Weasley," the man in the white coat said, "good to see you back with us. How are you feeling?"

"I want to see my baby." I snapped. I had no time for pleasantries.

"I'm afraid at the moment, our main priority is to get mother and baby back to health." He said in a fucking patronising manner. "Your daughter is extremely premature-"

"You said it would be safe!" I cut in, panic tearing at me. "I agreed for you to take her based on your advice!"

"Baby-" Draco started as he reached out to take my hand.

"DON'T FUCKING BABY ME!" I yelled, feeling a surprising amount of strength back. "The only baby I want to hear about is my little girl!" I wrenched my hand out of his as hurt flickered across his face.

"Miss Weasley," the Healer said firmly. "You need to calm down, you are still very ill and getting upset like this is not going to help anyone."

"Where is she? When can I see her?" I asked, ignoring him.

"She is in a specialist ward for very tiny babies and is being looked after intensively. I can assure you she is in safe hands." He paused to take a deep breath, as if searching for patience. "When you have regained a bit more strength then maybe we can consider arranging for you to pay her a visit."

I wanted to cry; I had never felt frustration like this. I wasn't getting the answers I needed.

I looked from Draco to this moronic Healer and just wished they would both piss off and get me someone who fucking understood.

Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now