62 - Changes

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Everything seemed normal when they returned to the year two thousand and eighteen.

The world hadn't ended; the human race was still in existence, and they were both still Slytherins.

He should have known his dad was just being a drama queen.

Scorpius could hardly sleep that night after they arrived back for their last night at Hogwarts. The temptation to owl home was too immense, but what would he say? Hi Mum, just checking to see if you're alive again?

He would find out the following day. He just had to be patient; he had waited long enough, after all.

"Relax," Albus said, grinning as Scorpius scoffed down his breakfast the next morning. "The Hogwarts Express isn't going to leave any sooner just because you've finished your breakfast in record time."

"I know, I'm just anxious," Scorpius said. "What if it didn't work? What if she's still dead? It would feel like I've lost her all over again."

"Well if you ask me, she looked spooked enough to think there must be something behind it." Albus shrugged. "I think she thought you were your dad though. Thank god she didn't start snogging you. That would have been awkward."

"Gross!" Scorpius spluttered, almost choking on his sausage. "Kindly don't ever go there again!"


As the train chugged southwards, Scorpius's heart rate increased pace. His palms started to feel clammy and his chest became unnaturally tight.

The idea that it hadn't worked terrified him. Because if this didn't work, he didn't know what else would.

He needed his mother back so much. He and Freida needed her.

He wondered how his sister was; if the time travel had gone successfully, it meant she wouldn't have ever suffered the pain of losing their mum and he was glad he may have saved her from that.

He might even tell her about it one day when she was older. Whether she'd believe him or not was another thing. But he didn't feel right keeping things from her.

But for now, he and Albus swore to keep it to themselves.

Scorpius felt the Time-Turner in his pocket. He would return it to his father's study at once, of course. He hadn't been worried about its absence being noticed because Scorpius knew that his father had been scared when he had been caught with it; and knew he had intended to put it away for good.

The journey seemed to last forever. Scorpius thought he would surely go mad when it slowly and finally chugged into London, making its way painfully slowly towards King's Cross where he was praying his mother was waiting for him.

"Come on," said Albus, standing up as the train eventually came to a halt. "I thought you'd be the first one off."

But Scorpius suddenly had a horrific feeling.

"What if she's still dead?" He cried, remaining firmly rooted to his seat. "Al, I don't think I could take losing her all over again. And why the hell would my mother ever take the word of two thirteen year old boys?"

"Well you're not going to find out staying on this train, are you?" Albus said quite reasonably. "Come on, man, you can do this. I did not just risk getting grounded for life by my dad for you to run away. Now get your butt off this train and go and give your mother a hug. I have a good feeling, Scorp. I'm telling you, she looked freaked out."

Scorpius nodded, shakily getting to his feet as Albus passed him his trunk. He followed him down the corridor and stepped out onto the platform.

"Oh look, there's my parents," Albus said, motioning over to where Scorpius recognised Harry Potter and his Aunt Ginny stood. "I'd better go. Good luck."

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