37 - Mother Dearest

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I found George sobbing by Fred's grave.

"George," I said, my voice coming out in a strangled whisper.

"Sorry," He said, wiping his face. "I just couldn't listen to him use F-Fred's death like that to get one over on Malfoy."

"You've got nothing to be sorry for," I murmured, crouching down next to him and tenderly brushed my fingertips across the lettering on our brother's gravestone. "Harry's a conceited prat. I've always said that."

"I won't argue with that," he muttered wryly. "Yet, somehow, Mum and Ginny seem to think the sun shines out of his arse."

"Would you hate me if I went away, George?" I asked, suddenly needing his blessing, "I just can't stand being here anymore. Everything hurts and everyone keeps disappointing me."

"You need to do what makes you happy, Ronnie." He said sadly, silent tears still rolling down his cheeks. "You only get one life, after all."

We both looked sadly at the all too short life date under Fred's name. It felt so fucking unfair; he had so much life to give to this world and yet it was cruelly taken away.

"Come with me," I said, the thought suddenly occurring to me. "As soon as I've finished this damn wedding gig, why don't you come and travel the world with me?"

He looked up at me, startled by my completely out of the blue invitation. "I- I don't know... I just can't imagine leaving..."

"It's okay," I said quickly, understanding the enormity of what I was asking him to do. "You don't have to decide now - I'm not leaving for another month. But please, just think about it."

"I will," he said, his eyes shining thoughtfully. And to my joy, a flicker of his former self crossed his features.

I looked at him, my heart warming, and I realised that George was someone I could trust and confide in.

"There's something I need to tell you," I said swallowing nervously, "something you should know before making your decision whether to join me or not."

"What is it?" George asked, furrowing his brow at the gravity of my tone.

And so, sitting by Fred's grave, I told him my secret.


"Oh, wasn't it just beautiful?!"

I rolled my eyes as my mother gushed, dabbing at her eyes. "Harry is so special. I'm so glad you brought him into our lives, Veronica!"

We were back at Potter Palace, all gathered in the ballroom where large round tables were made up for the christening feast.

I couldn't help but glance over to where Draco and Bambi were sat, five tables along - amazingly enough Harry hadn't thought to ruin this day further by forcing me to sit with them. I'm sure that was an oversight on his part, though.

Draco looked utterly fed up, his face set in a serious scowl, obviously forgetting he was supposed to be acting loved up. And Bambi was chatting animatedly to the rest of her table, no doubt gushing about finally being invited to Potter Palace.

"Here," Ginny said, thrusting James onto my lap, drawing my attention back to our table. "He misses his auntie Ronnie, why don't you visit more often?"

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