47 - Godparents

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Draco hadn't been wrong about the business doing well.

As promised, I signed over a share of Ron Appetit to Draco. But before I did, I had a proposition for him.

"How about I only sign over a third to you?" I suggested lightly as we lazed in bed with Scorpius one Sunday morning.

"Oh?" Draco asked, looking up from his newspaper, raising his eyebrows at me inquisitively. "You know you don't have to sign anything over to me, it's your company, Ronnie."

"I was thinking about splitting it three ways." I continued, ignoring him. "I have a third, you have a third and we give the remaining third to Luna. It would mean you and I still own the majority of it between us so it will still be in Scorp's best interests."

"You want to give away a piece of your business to Loony?" Draco exhaled incredulously.

"She's shown nothing but fierce loyalty towards me since I took her into my employment." I shrugged. "And it would lighten the load for us, giving us more time for Scorp."

"As I said," Draco shrugged nonchalantly, turning back to the paper, "it's your company."

"Ours, Draco." I said vehemently. "Ours."


Luna was over the moon, of course. And even more over the moon when I asked her to be godmother to Scorpius.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Draco bellowed when I confessed to him upon entering the living room just after I put Scorp down in his cot.

"Shhh!" I hissed, "you'll wake the baby!"

And this is exactly why I waited for Scorpius to fall asleep before telling him.

"Isn't this the kind of decision we should be making together?" Draco seethed, gritting through his teeth.

"She's our business partner, Draco! And who else were we going to ask? My sister?!"

I felt the familiar ache pass through me at the mention of Ginny. It had been four months since our argument, and she hadn't tried to reach out to me at all; refusing to be in the Burrow at the same time as Draco and I.

I hadn't even been permitted to meet my new nephew, Albus Severus, who weirdly enough, they named after Snape.

"Why the fuck would he name his kid after someone who wanted to bone his mother?!" Draco had spat. "Snape absolutely loathed Potter, he gave him hell for years!"

"That's Harry for you," I muttered. "Thinks everyone fucking loves him, even when they stand on street corners trying to flog I Hate Harry Potter t-shirts."

"I still can't believe he let Chang off on a caution for that." Draco said bemusedly shaking his head.

In the end, we both agreed to ask George to be godfather, which was a no brainer, really. He utterly adored his nephew, always popping over with great big fucking teddy bears which I kept having to use shrinking charms on because George seemed to fail to see how little room we actually fucking had.

"Don't tell anyone this, but Scorp's my favourite." George whispered conspiratorially to me after readily accepting the role of godfather. "And I never ever thought I'd ever say that about Malfoy's kid."

"Hey, watch it," I warned. "My son is a Malfoy too, so you can't bad mouth that name anymore."

"And you?" George asked, raising his eyebrows as he bounced Scorp on his knee who kept squealing with delight at his funny uncle George. "Any plans to become a Malfoy yourself?"

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