11 - Sex On The Beach

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"I do apologise," Bambi said, after Draco had excused himself the second I showed up to try out some new recipe ideas one afternoon. "I just don't understand why he's lost interest in the wedding food lately. He had seemed so enthusiastic before."

"It really doesn't matter," I muttered, trying not to feel hurt by the way Draco had completely dismissed me. "Besides, I consider myself to be working for you. Not him."

"You are a darling!" She cooed. "And you are so much more than my caterer, you do know that don't you Ronnie, dear?"

"Of course," I said, trying to hide my face as I rifled through the fridge. I felt bad. Obviously she had no idea about my deal with Draco to stay out of my life after the wedding. A deal that would mean cutting Bambi out too.

"Good, because I'm having a pool party for my birthday this Saturday and it just wouldn't be complete without you."

I froze. A pool party meant people walking around in next to nothing. And as her fiancé, it was very likely that Draco would be one of them.

"I don't know, Bambi-"

"Oh Ronnie, you must say yes!" She implored. "And I don't expect you to cater for it, obviously. You're working so hard as it is for the wedding already. I want you there as my friend."

"But isn't it a bit cold for a pool party?" I tried desperately finding reasons to object. The idea of being half naked around Draco was too much. "It's October!"

"It'll be in the pool house, silly! Daddy had it recently renovated to imitate a tropical island paradise. It even has a beach and a cocktail bar."

Bloody hell, the rich know how to live.

So, not being able to think of any reason not to go, that Saturday I found myself outside Peverell Manor laden down with beach bag and complete and utter dread.

I was just wondering where the pool house was when I heard a shout from behind me.

"Ronnie!" Blaise panted, running to catch up with me. "She managed to talk you into coming then?"

"For some reason I'm unable to say no to her." I said, sighing wearily.

"That's our Bambi." He said jovially, plonking a very enthusiastic kiss on my cheek. "Come on, I'll show you to Peverell's paradise island."

"What's got into you?" I spat, furiously rubbing the wetness from my face.

He simply chuckled as he led the way around the side of the Manor towards a glass building that looked from the outside like a ginormous greenhouse.

The heat hit the moment we stepped inside, making me feel instantly over dressed and uncomfortable in my warm autumnal attire. I looked around in awe.

It really was like being at a tropical beachside; hot sunshine that did not reflect the grey skies outside beamed down upon us as a seemingly endless enchanted sea of deep blue water lapped a long strip of white golden sand; palm trees dotted everywhere, and a manned wooden hut which I presumed was the cocktail bar. Music was being gently pumped into the air all around as beautiful bikini clad women and toned shirtless men chatted, laughed, drank and swam. I couldn't help but find my eyes searching out for a particular white-blond haired Slytherin.

"RONNIE!" Bambi screeched from the other side of the beach as she came bounding across the sand, wearing a shiny gold bikini, dodging sun loungers and palm trees on her way.

"Damn," Blaise breathed beside me, not taking his eyes off of her advancing bouncing figure.

"Behave," I muttered dryly under my breath, "that's your best mate's fiancée."

Bitter Chocolate - (A 'Veronica Weasley' sequel) || Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now