54 - Santa's Little Helper

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Draco stood at the gates of Malfoy Manor and clutched his young son's hand tightly in his.

"This is Nanny's house?!" Scorp asked in complete awe as his eyes widened at the looming gothic mansion at the end of the driveway.

"It's also your grandad's house." Draco muttered, trying to hide the bitterness in his voice, "and I think it's about time you met him."

"Grandad?" Scorp asked furrowing his brow in confusion. "Is that like Grampy?"

"This man is nothing like Grampy. But I think he should meet you, all the same. Show him what a fine grandson you are."

Draco tried to swallow down the guilt. He felt terrible for using his son like this. But if anything was going to persuade his father to hand over millions of gold, then Scorp would be it.

And Draco would do literally anything to save his Ronnie.

Including this.

Of course he'd broached the subject with his mother beforehand. But as much as she had insisted she wanted to help, it was his father who controlled the finances and it would take a lot to persuade Lucius to mortgage his mansion to save a Weasley's life.

He walked the drive with his son, feeling extremely apprehensive. It had been almost seven years since he'd stepped foot on this land.

"Come closer," Lucius said, squinting as they entered the drawing room where his father was sat in an armchair nursing a drink.

Draco had to fight the impulse to just pick up his son and get them the fuck out of there.

"Father," Draco squirmed, hating himself. "This- this is my son- your grandson, Scorpius."

He kept a firm grip on his son's hand whose small trembling body had nervously inched closer to his side.

"Weasley's child?" Lucius sneered, making a flicker of fury ignite in Draco's stomach as his father eyed Scorp with distaste.

"Our child, father!" He snapped, finding it difficult to keep his cool.

"I am to understand there is... another?" Lucius said, the disgust in his tone palpable.

Draco stilled. He swallowed, merely nodding, but saying nothing.

"I'm here to ask a favour of you, father," he said, just wanting to get to the point so he could get Scorp the hell away from this toxic place.

"Oh?" Lucius said, raising an inquisitive eyebrow as he took a swig of what Draco could only guess was some kind of whiskey.

It was ten o'clock in the sodding morning.

"Ronnie...Scorp's mum, well she's ill." Draco said, swallowing, trying not to say too much in front of Scorp. He had not planned this very well at all.

And then as if on cue, his mother entered the room.

"Nanny!" Scorp cried, ripping his hand out of Draco's to run into his grandmother's arms.

"Oh my darling," Narcissa gushed, giving her son a discrete wink. "Let's go and see what goodies the house-elves have left us in the kitchen."

"What's a house-elf?" Scorp frowned. "Is it Santa's? Is it Christmas?"

"No, Scorpy," his mother laughed kindly. "Just a little extra help for Nanny in the kitchen."

Draco waited until they were out of sight before facing his father again.

"So, you request a favour," Lucius smiled, making Draco's skin crawl. "And here I was thinking that you just fancied a nice father-son reunion after all these years of running off to live like a Weasley."

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