19 - The Orgy

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"Fed up of playing The Chosen Daddy, already?" I muttered as Harry sauntered into my office one morning just before Christmas.

"Behave Ronnie, or I won't give you this." Harry said, standing over my desk and smugly presenting a pristine white envelope as though it was some kind of prized fucking trophy.

I reached up and snatched it from his hand, really not in the mood to fucking beg for it.

"I've got one for you too, Luna," Harry said in a smarmy voice, leaning across to pompously toss a second envelope onto her desk where she was sat dreamily humming the fucking national anthem.

It was an invitation. To the 'Potter's New Years Eve Party'.

"Veronica Weasley and Plus One?!" I spluttered disgustedly. "And who the fuck am I supposed to bring, exactly?"

"Sorry, Ronnie," Harry sighed. "Ginny insisted. Everyone's got to have a partner for one of the games to work."

"Well can't I just partner up with Luna?" I cried, already desperately trying to think of excuses not to go.

"Sorry, Ginny is adamant it's got to be boy girl."

"Well that's just fucking sexist not to mention homo-fucking-phobic!" I spat, slapping the invitation down on my desk in disgust.

"Can I bring Daddy?" Luna asked. "Is that allowed, or is it a sexual thing?"

"Uh, I might have to check with Gin on that," Harry said, readjusting his glasses.

"What kind of fucked up party is this anyway?!" I roared, "Sounds more like a fucking orgy to me!"

"Look, if you struggle to find a plus one, I could always order one of the lads in my team to go with you. There's a few that owe me a favour."

"I'll find my own fucking date, thank you very much. I don't want to be lumbered with one of your dork patrol."

"I'll have you know that Auror's are highly skilled wizards trained by none other than yours truly."


I was cranky. I was not in the mood to celebrate the turning of another fucking disappointing year; and one of Harry's stupid fucktard parties was the last thing I needed.

"I thought Potter was supposed to be your best mate?" Blaise chuckled, when I told him about the invite whilst meeting him for a drink in Javu's. "I've never seen anyone look so horrified by the thought of going to someone's party before."

"Of course he's my best friend, he has been since the first day at Hogwarts," I muttered sourly, "it just seems that everything has always fallen into his lap whereas I feel like I'm constantly struggling, trying to say afloat; and he doesn't even fucking notice. And he moans all the fucking time about having grown up without a family; but what he doesn't seem to fucking realise is he has had mine... and they all prefer him to me. Perfect fucking Potter."

"Oh come off it Weasley," Blaise scoffed, "you're a million times the person Potter is. In fact, you're a million times the person of most people I know."

I looked up into Blaise's black solemn eyes, startled.

"Don't look so surprised," he chortled amusedly. "You're fierce, strong, funny, and not to mention bloody gorgeous. If you ask me, Draco's a complete moron for ever letting you go."

"If you're saying all this to get into my fucking knickers then you can do one right now Zabini." I snapped, slamming my wine down and feeling irritated by all men in general.

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