46 - The Grandmother

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I closed my eyes as warm soothing lips pressed against my forehead.

"Don't cry, baby," the white-blond haired Slytherin murmured, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.

I had been feeding Scorpius on the sofa when Draco had entered with a cup of tea, instantly offering me comfort when he realised I was crying big, fat, ugly tears.

"Why do I keep fucking up the relationships in my life?" I blubbered acting like more of a baby than the infant in my arms. "And why do I keep fucking crying? I thought motherhood was supposed to be a fucking joy?"

Draco chuckled softly, tightening his arms around me. "You've just had a baby, Ronnie, you're bound to feel like this. I'm sure your sister will come around, and as for Potter; screw him. In all the years that I've known you both, I've seen little evidence of him ever being a good friend. Don't be too hard on yourself. Let me look after you."

"Don't you dare try to fucking impregnate me again." I warned, narrowing my eyes at him as I wondered what he meant exactly by 'look after' me.

"You don't want a whole flock of Malfoy's?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as his silver eyes glinted amusedly down at me. "Dear Weasley, we could make ourselves our very own Quidditch team."

"And where the fuck would we put them all in this poxy flat?" I grumbled, looking around exasperatedly; the place never seeming smaller.

"You know, the business has been doing well," he shrugged casually, "despite the wedding ending as it did, you got quite a lot of clientele through it. They liked your stuff, Ronnie. We could easily afford a bigger place in no time."

I looked at him, and I felt my face instantly soften; suddenly feeling bad for being so grouchy. "I still can't believe what you did for me," I said quietly, "especially when you didn't even know if I was ever going to come back."

"Oddly enough, it made me feel closer to you than I'd ever felt before." He murmured, kissing the top of my head. "I'd never liked the person I was before; the boy who was desperate for his father's approval. Living your life, I don't know, it made me happy. Even though I missed you. Because you really are the best person I have ever known, Ronnie."

Feeling such a rush of love, I tilted my head up and brushed my lips against his, which he responded to straight away, letting out a contented sigh as he went to deepen the kiss.

The sound of the doorbell made us break apart.

My heart started racing uncomfortably in my chest. My erratic and grumpy mood wasn't just down to hormones; but rather a lot more to do with our anticipated visitor.

"Hey," Draco said at once, cupping my face as he sensed my uneasiness. "I promise you it will be okay."

I nodded mutely as I watched him stand up and go to answer the door.

I didn't like to admit it out loud, but I was fucking dreading this.


Despite the calmness he had just shown Ronnie, Draco exhaled a long shaky breath as he placed his trembling hand on the door catch.

He had never had her visit the flat before; never feeling right without Ronnie being there.

He had never given up hope, not really. Which is why he had stayed at the flat he had once ridiculed Ronnie for living in; why he ran her business for her when he'd never - or even had to - worked a day in his life before.

Because he knew he and Ronnie belonged together. He couldn't imagine being with anyone else but her. And not only had he gotten her back, but he also discovered their love had created life; a beautiful baby boy, who, despite Draco only knowing of his existence for less than two days, already loved more than life itself.

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