43 - The Saviour

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The next morning, I made one more visit before I went in search of him.

I knocked on the door of the peculiar looking house on the next hill over from the Burrow.

Xenophilius gave me a horrified look upon opening the door. To be fair on the dude, the last time I had appeared on his doorstep, his house got fucking blown up.

"Yes?" He asked abruptly.

"Is Luna about?" I asked, hopping up and down to look over his shoulder.

"She's at work." He replied gruffly.

Wow. Rude.

"Oh, well kudos to her for working for that git for this long." I said, my respect for the girl going up.

"Yes, well I was most certainly not happy about it when she told me." Xenophilius sneered, surprising me by the look of utter contempt on his face. I mean, I know Harry is a fucktard, but he still saved the world, I suppose.

"Oh well, I'll just pop by the Ministry and say hi there then." I shrugged, turning to leave.

"The Ministry?" Xenophilius frowned. "She didn't say anything about needing to be there today."

"Oh, Harry's got her out and about has he?" I said turning back to face him. "Well, at least she's not stuck making coffee for that jumped up gimp all day."

"Harry? As in Harry Potter?" Luna's father asked, looking utterly perplexed. "But she doesn't work for him."

"Well, where is she working?" I asked. I guess she got fed up with the twat after all.

"At Ron Appetit's, of course. Are you quite alright? Did you hit your head or something? I may have a cure somewhere-"

"NO!" I yelled quickly. I'd heard enough about the Lovegood's ideas of cures to know when it was time to get the fuck out of there. "Must dash, bye!"

"He's finally gone completely batty," I declared as I arrived back in the Burrow, "that nutjob seems to think that Luna is still working for me!"

Mum looked up from cradling my son. "But of course she is dear, where else would she be working?"

I had no idea what was going on, but it seemed the entire world had lost their fucking marbles.

There was no business. After that disaster of a wedding day, I didn't even get paid. And I certainly had no intention of chasing it up.

The business had been relying upon it, and so was completely finished by the time I left the country. There would have been no gold to pay Luna and I knew she wasn't exactly rolling in it either, so I failed to see how she could have kept it running herself.

Reclaiming my child, I immediately Apparated to Diagon Alley, hurrying to the building where I had attempted to build up my 'dream' business, before allowing it to spectacularly fail.

Except, as I stared up at the freshly painted lettering of 'Ron Appetit' above the front door, upon which displayed an 'open' sign; it was clear to me a finished business this was not.

"Ronnie! You're back!"

I jumped as a familiar voice sounded behind me. I whirled around, coming face to face with Luna who was carrying a tray upon which sat two coffees.

"Oh," She said, peering down curiously at the bundle in my arms. "Is that a baby?"

"No, it's a fucking hippogriff," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "Luna, what's going on? I thought you were going to shut up shop after I'd left?"

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