61 - Back To The Wedding

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"I'm going to get my mum back."

Albus looked at his best friend in complete disbelief. They were on the train going back to Hogwarts for the final term of the school year. Scorpius had practically skipped into the compartment looking happier than Albus had ever seen him.

"Scorp, I love you man, you know I really do," he said, trying to think of how to word it as carefully as he could. "But... your mum... she's dead."

"In this life, yes." Scorpius readily agreed, a little too acceptingly. "But what if... what if we could change that?"

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" Albus asked exasperatedly. He'd heard that grief does strange things to a person. But this was something else. The poor boy was deluded.

"With this." And Scorpius held out his hand in front of him, unfurling his fingers.

Albus gulped as he stared down at the gold trinket shining in his best friends shaking palm. He knew what it was and he knew just what Scorp intended them to do.

His dad was going to kill him.


Scorpius agreed to wait until they'd finalised the details. He knew they couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

First off, they had to work out which exact moment in time to get to and where, and exactly what their plan was when they got there.

"Peverell Manor?" Albus said, his mouth dropping open. "But how on earth are we going to get in there? The security must be immense and it's not as though we can Apparate!"

"It has to be there. I've got a good feeling about it. My mum told me about that day so many times that I feel we can get this just right. And... it's the only way she's going to believe us."

Scorpius didn't add that he wanted to see that day so much for himself. It was the day his father finally admitted his love for his mother. And he just had this gut feeling about it; something was telling him this was the day.

They gave themselves the whole term to plan it; deciding on the day before they were due to go back home to carry it out.

They took the Knight Bus with the coins Scorpius had smashed out from his Niffler Bank. They had managed to call it just within the boundaries of Hogwarts so that they wouldn't be traced.

That was the easy part.

"Delivery for Mr Peverell," Albus said in his most authoritative voice into the intercom at the gates.

Amazingly, it worked and, as the gates rolled open; Scorpius and Albus both ran through under the Invisibility Cloak Albus had stolen from James's trunk.

They managed to locate the kitchen and hid behind a bush within view of it.

"Let's do it," Scorpius's said, butterflies in his stomach as he retrieved the Time-Turner from his pocket.

And, taking Albus's hand, he turned it, sending them back just over fourteen years in time.


The Peverell-Malfoy Wedding, 2004

"Has it worked?"

Scorpius blinked. A huge white marquee that wasn't there before was pitched on the grass next to them. Excited chatter from an unseen crowd was in the air.

"Yes. It worked."

"Okay, so all we need to do is get to the kitchen, find your mum and tell her not to go to China." Albus said.

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