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Beep beep beep! I groan at the sound of my alarm clock. "Alright alright I'm up!" I yell at it. I shut it off and get out of bed. I get ready for another day of college. Senior year...yay!
Note the sarcasm. I put on my usual outfit. A hoodie and some jeans that aren't too fitted. If they can't see the shape underneath then they won't judge it right? I sigh as I stare at myself in the mirror. From the dark bags under my eyes to my chubby cheeks and huge forehead. I've always disliked my physical appearance, I never felt pretty and I never feel pretty now so, might as well just live with it. I always choose baggy over fitted. I don't want people looked at my huge thighs, and puffy tummy. I sigh and brush off my thoughts about my body, I grab my glasses and put them on. I snatch my backpack and head downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" My mom chirps. "Good morning mom," I smile and grab an apple. "Leaving early today?" She asks. I nod and reply, "Yup I can't be late, I've never been late and I don't plan to." I wave at her and head to my car.

I arrive at my school. Great more peering eyes. I just can't wait to get out of school, soon. I enter school with my head hung low. I don't like attention on me and I don't want it. Plus I rather save people the eyesore of seeing my ugly face anyway. But sadly I'm not that unnoticeable, I'm quite tall, and one of the many reasons no guy will ever want to date me. I mean I can't blame them, who wants a no thigh gap, glasses wearing tall girl. I know they say that all body types are beautiful and I strongly believe in that just I don't see any beauty in myself.

"Y/n!" I swing my head to the direction of the familiar voice of my best friend, Chanri. "Hey!" I smile. "Don't you look gorgeous." She coos. "Please stop feeding my brain with lies." I chuckle at her. "When are you going to believe that you're beautiful?" She asks for probably the millionth time. "Pfftt never-" I suddenly get cut off when I notice the small pathway made between the crowd of students. "Great here they come," Chanri sarcastically states. There they are the three golden boys of our school. Walking in perfect sync as they strut the hallways as if they own them.

The one to the left is, Kim Taehyung total heartthrob, girls practically melt at his handsomeness. He's the tallest of the three, black permed hair. Sharp jawline and pink lips. His silky soft skin and his huge hands. Rumor says that his hands work wonders in bed. On the right Park Jimin, talk about huge flirt. Girls literally bow before his eye smile. Sandy blonde hair and his plump luscious lips and smallest in height, but that doesn't seem to stop the desperate females from drooling all over him.
The middle one he's Jeon Jungkook, total player and badboy combo. He's trouble, his dark mysterious eyes and his jet black hair parted off to the side. He sleeps with a girl every night, or so I've heard. Rumor said he even smashed a teacher. But his era is so mysterious, he always has bruises on his face from fights too.

"Come on let's get to class, I don't want to stay here and watch the three players walk the hallways all morning." I say. "Agreed," Chanri replied as walk to class.

I know a bit boring but it soon gets better I promise hope yup enjoy it and please remember to vote! ;)

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