Moving in{23}

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Jungkook POV

I arrive home and walk to the kitchen. "Hey mom," I say as I kiss her head. "Hi, Jungkook, can you go freshen up we have company staying with us for a few days." She says and my eyes grow wide. "What? Who? For how long?" I question. "Relax, he's out of the country, he shouldn't be back till next week, Y/n is only staying a couple of days." She says. "Y/n is staying here? Mom are you crazy, he can come back anytime he want a mom!" I yell. "Don't worry," she assures. "If anything happens to Y/n, I won't let it slip." I say and storm off. It don't safe for Y/n here. Is my mom crazy. She knows it's not safe.


My parents and I pull up at the huge mansion of a house. It had a grand driveway and the front door had huge pillars. I look out the window and see Jungkook's mom coming out of the huge mahogany doors. I then see Jungkook walking out with his hands shoved in his pockets and he leans on one of the gigantic pillars. I get out of the car and my dad helps me get my stuff. "Thank you so much for this, I hope we aren't putting you out of your way." My mom says. "No no, of course not, it's no problem." His mom responds. "Looks like you're moving in for a while princess." He says smiling.

I roll my eyes playfully. Jungkook brings my stuff inside. "Bye mom, be safe." I say as I hug her. "Goodbye sweetie, be good." My dad says as the enter the car and drive away. I follow Jungkook inside. "Kookie show her to her room." His mom smiles. Kookie? Aww. "Yeah Kookie." I tease. "Mom," he glares at his mom and she smiles. We make our way up the stairs. "Ok so you have a choice, the boring old stuffy guest room, or, my cool amazingly hot bedroom, and it comes with a special, you even have me." He smirks. "Yeah, I think I'll take the guest room." I say. "You sure?" He says as he brings his face close to mine. "Yes I'm sure," I say quickly. "K, but my room is right there." He says again. "Thanks for the info but I don't think I'll need it," I smile and leave him in the hallway.

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