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I text Chanri telling her where I'm going to be this evening. I make my way to the classroom. And to my surprise it was empty just the teacher was present. "Ok Miss. Y/n you'll clean the classroom then you can leave. The other will join soon to help you-" she was cut off by the sound of the door opening. It revealed Taehyung Jungkook and Jimin. Awesome.... "Well, isn't it nice of you to show up.." the teacher says as they walk in. "You'll help Y/n clean. Then you leave." She instructs as she walks away.

I start cleaning, by erasing the board. I don't expect the 3 boys to clean with me. Why would they? They practically don't care if they were late, again. A creepy silence fills the room. Suddenly I hear shuffling and footsteps approaching me. "Hey, Y/n," I look to my side to see Park Jimin shooting his signature eye smile. I can't lie, it's adorable, but you have to be strong Y/n, he's a player. "H-hi." I respond, averting my eyes back to what I was doing. Suddenly he reaches for an eraser and helps me erase the huge board.

I stand there in shock, I always thought they never did anything, in the after school time in the late punishment. I stare at him. "I now I'm handsome but I kinda want to go home so.." he says looking at me. "Right sorry," I respond continuing my task. I finish my side and I look behind me to see Taehyung sweeping the floor. Wow. I didn't even know they did chores, well except one. Jungkook, he's just sitting there, staring into my soul, with his mysterious eyes. I quickly look away, but I still feel a pair of eyes on me and I know it's his.

We finish cleaning and I gather my things. "Y/n, don't forget my party, and bring Chanri," Taehyung reminds me with a smile. "Yeah I will," I respond even though I'm not sure if I'm going. "Bye Y/n," Jimin chimes with his smile again. I smile back. I turn back to my things and look at the time, oh no I need to get home. I whip around and bump into something hard that I almost fall back. But a strong arm pulls me back up. I look up to see Jungkook staring at me with his arm wrapped tightly round my waist. I gaze into his deep eyes, which are piercing into my soul. I notice a small scar on his left eyebrow. It looked like someone hit him pretty badly. I wanted to move away but something was drawing me towards him.

Suddenly I snap out of it and let myself go from his strong arms. He looks confused as if he's never seen a female pull away from him, he looks like he wanted to say something but I didn't give him the chance. I grab my things and walk out of the room leaving him dumbfounded behind me.

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