Third wheel{11}

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After class I can finally head home. I walk out of the classroom on my phone when someone swings an arm over my shoulder. I look to my side to see Jungkook. "Umm can I help you?" I ask. "The project, princess it's due in 2 weeks." He says calmly. "Right, Ok so we can meet up this weekend. Where?" I ask. "Not my house," I he says sternly. "Fine then Saturday at mine." I reply. "Good, bye princess." He chirps. "Would you stop calling me that." I roll my eyes and walk away.

I wake up the next day and I have no classes today. I sigh in relief. I get to relax, peacefully with no one staring or judging me. I lightly smile. My mom and dad are already at work so I have the nature house to myself. Suddenly the doorbell rings. I groan and roll off my bed. I put on my glasses and I open the door revealing Chanri. "Go get ready we are going out." She demands. "What no I don't want to," I complain. "No you have to don't make me go by myself." She says. "Wait where are we going?" I ask as she lets herself in my home.

"We are going to Taehyung's house." She chimes in excitement. "No way I don't wanna be a third wheel." I respond. "You won't Jimin and Jungkook's gonna be there." She says trying to convince me. She looks at me with pleading puppy eyes. "Ugh fine I'll come." I give in. "Really?! awesome!" She yells and hugs me.

I get ready and we go with her car. "You know I know you have a thing for Taehyung but aren't you a bit worried he's playing you?" I inquire. "I do like him, and I honestly think he likes me, but I not 100% sure, but if he's playing me then so what, what's life without a little risk. If he's not here to stay then it was nice of him to drop by" She says calmly. I let her words sink in. She takes so much chances. I could never ever do that. I sighs and look out the window. I look at myself in the window. Damn. God spent such little time on me. My glasses just makes my huge nose look bigger than it already is. And my thick hair ties into a ponytail as always. I sigh and look away before I break down.

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