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We lightly press our lips together once more. He smiles into the kiss. I ruffle my fingers in his hair and I know he loves it. One of his hands rest on my waist and the other on my cheek. He licks my lip asking for entrance and I hesitate but soon part my lips a bit as he slips his tongue inside. Exploring my mouth. "Jungkook what's up-" we quickly pull away at the sound of the voice. "Woah! You guys are!" Taehyung says. "Did you two have sex?!" He asks. "What?no!" Jungkook replies getting off of me. "Oh," Taehyung responds in a disappointment.

"But are you two dating yet or?" Taehyung questions. "Nope Nope no dating, but I should go change so I'll be back." I say as I run out of the room. I rush into my room and close the door. I clutch my chest to stop my heavy breathing. Y/n what is he doing to you?

Jungkook POV

"Great Taehyung you chased her away." I say. "Do you,like Y/n, or are you just messing with her? Because if you are then-" I cut him off and say. "I like her, like like her, I'm not playing her." I respond. "Woah, then tell her." He says. "What are you crazy, I can't tell her that. She probably doesn't even feel the same way." I look down. "There is only one way to find out." Taehyung says.


I change into some leggings. I pack up my stuff since my mom is coming today t pick me up. They got in yesterday late at night. After packing I head back to Jungkook's room. "Hi Taehyung, where's Jungkook?" I ask. "In the shower he'll be out soon." He says and I nod. "So are you and Chanri like a thing yet?" I ask. He chuckles and responds, "Yup we're dating." He smiles. "You better not break her heart or I swear I'll break you." I say. "Don't worry I won't." Jungkook exits the bathroom and suddenly we hear the sound of glass breaking downstairs.

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