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I get up the next day. I wash my hair and get dressed. Today is Sunday so I have basically nothing to do. "Y/n, today we have a lunch date with one of my old friends." My mom says walking into the kitchen. "Ok, do I have to go?" I ask. "Yes you do, she has a wonderful son who goes to your school." My mom chimes. I groan and roll my eyes. What guy wants to see me? "Mom I really don't want to. I have a feeling you're setting me up. I'm 21 mom I can make my own decisions ," I say. "Yes but you're 21 single and live with your parents, I might as well give it a shot." She chuckles. She's got a fair point.

After some time I get ready. I really don't wanna do this. I'm in no mood to meet a guy. I literally look like a zombie. I decide to put on a pink dress that reach a little above my knees to cover my thighs. And I wear a long sleeved jacket. I put on some heels and head downstairs. "I'm ready." I state as I walk down the stairs. "Don't you look cute." My mom says. "But loose your hair, it looks nicer this way." She says releasing my hair tie.

We arrive at the restaurant. "Mom I should really just stay in the car." I try to convince her that I don't want to do this. "Nope you're going," she responds getting out of the car. I groan again and get out as well. We approach a table with a beautiful middle aged woman sitting at it. But no sign of a guy. Maybe he couldn't make it. I hope. "So good to see you," the lady says to my mom. "You too!" My mom excitedly responds. "Y/n, wow you're so beautiful." The lady compliments me, I just smile. I hate compliments, because deep down I know they aren't true. "Where's your son?" My mom asks and I mentally face palm since I was praying she forgot about it.

"He's coming right now." She says and I whip my head around curious to know who was the mysterious guy. My eyes widen at the boy walking towards us.

 My eyes widen at the boy walking towards us

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Jeon Jungkook. He's wearing a black jacket and white shirt neatly pressed out and tucked into his leather pants that hug his thick thighs. Typical playboy outfit but man he looks good. He seems shocked to see me sitting at the table but his expression soon changed into a smirk. He sits next to me and looks at me up and down and whispers, "Hey Princess," "Y/n this is Jungkook." His mom says. "We've met." He states staring into my eyes. "Oh good then," my mom cheers and I glare at her.

We order and our moms converse among themselves while we just sit there awkwardly on our phones. Our food arrive and it looks so good but it suddenly hit me.How am I gonna eat infront of him. He's gonna think I'm a pig. I take a few small bites and stop eating. I sit back and stare at the food. "Aren't you gonna finish?" He asks. "N-no, I'm full." I lie. I hate eating out with people. I always feel like I'm being slowly judged by the amount I eat. "Are you sure? You only ate like 2 bites." He looks up at me with a bit of concern on his face. "I'm fine. I'm not hungry." I lie again. Even though I haven't eaten breakfast. I can't eat infront of him. I'll look horrible. He's gonna judge me, and I can't let that happen again.

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