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My eyes widen at his command. "I can't see the entire bruise, you need to take off your hoodie." He says. "But-" he cuts me off. "No buts," he looks at me waiting for me to take it off. "Fine, don't look at my stomach, it has fat." I look away. He rolls his eyes. "It's not fat," he says. I lift my hoodie over my head and my bra is now exposed. He turns my body so my back is facing him. He takes the medicine into his fingers and slowly applies it on the bruise. "Does it hurt?" He asks softly in my ear. I shake my head no. After some time of cleaning I spoke, "How's things with your step dad?" He just sighs and shakes his head, "I need solid proof, then I can get rid of him." He says. "What about a witness?" I ask. "Oh that's good, but who?" He asks. "Duh me," I say. "You? No way," he says. "Why not?" I turn my body to look at him. "Because I don't want you dragged into this." He says. Covering the medication bottle. "What? That's not fair, I can help." I say. He suddenly looses my hair and picks up a hairbrush. "No, I can't have you go to court for this," he says turning my head around. He begins brushing my messy hair. "That's ok, I'm an adult, I can go," I say again. "No," he says again. "But I want to help," I pout. He sighs. "Do you really want to?" He asks and I nod. "Fine," he says and I smile. "I love you, you know," I say and I hear him giggle.

He moves my hair off my shoulder and lowers his head to my exposed neck. He plants a sweet kiss on my neck, which gives me goosebumps.

 He plants a sweet kiss on my neck, which gives me goosebumps

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"I love you, too." He says between kisses. I smile as he trails kisses all over my neck. "Jungkook," I giggle. "Mmm." He responds. I turn to face him. He smashes his lips onto mine. I immediately respond. His soft lips moving in perfect sync on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck while he places his soft hand on my bare waist. His body between my legs, heating up the room. "You're so perfect," he says as he pulls away. "Perfect? I don't know." I say. "Well you're perfect to me." He smiles.

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