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After a few boring lectures, I make my way to my next class. I walk in and take a seat. Just then, Kim Taehyung sits next to me. Wtf. Why would he even come near me. Why tf did I not realize he was in this class. I brush off the thoughts as our lecturer enters the classroom.

After the lesson I'm packing my things when Taehyung walks over. "Hey, Y/n? Right?" He says smoothly biting his lip. "Y-yeah, hi." I reply still not making eye contact, which seems to shock him, considering another girl would probably already be all over him. "I'm having a party this weekend, you should come, and bring that cute little friend of yours," he winks at me and walks away. Umm? Wtf?! Is going on here. Why did he just invite me to a party which I'm probably not even going to attend. I'm not a party person. As he walks away I get piercing gazes from girls around me.

I walk out of class and Chanri and I head out for lunch. "Hey, I heard Taehyung talked to you today," she nudges my arm as I eat my fries. "Yeah so?" I avert my eyes back to eating. "So? What did he say?!" She asks in excitement. "He invited me to some party this weekend but I'm not going." I reply. "Why tf aren't you going?" She yells in my face. "Oh! And he kinda called you cute," I say trying to change the topic of me not attending the party. "He did what?" She questions in utter shock.

"Yeah he said, come to my party this weekend and bring the cute little friend of yours," I remark repeating his words. Her face lit up. "We have to go now!" She cheers. "I don't know, parties aren't my thing," I reply. "So! I'll make parties your thing." She says.

I wake up the next morning to my moms voice. "Y/n! You're going to be late for school!" She yelled in my ear. "What!" I lazily sit up and look at my clock. "Oh god!" I scream and scramble to get my essentials for school.

I grab everything I need and get dressed. "Byee mom love you!" I shout as I rush out the door. I only have 5 minutes before my first class. I run into the school. But I'm already 2 minutes late. Please spare me! please spare me! I pray the teacher will lay me off. "Miss, Y/n, you're late?" She says. "Yes I'm very sorry." I apologize. "Well I'm sorry but you'll have to stay after school to clean the classroom with the other late children." She says. Great. Now I can't go home. Ugh. More time in schools, means more eyes to look at me.

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