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I am hanging out with Haeun. "Come on daddy, let's get out of here," she purrs. Pftt as if that's supposed to be a turn on. Ugh, I haven't had sex is weeks. I'm trying to be a better person, to not be know as the player. I couldn't take it anymore. I need to find Y/n. I scan the room in search of her. I have got to find her. I knew it was a lie before about the kiss. I can feel it. I look around and I see a familiar girl dancing, with Jimin. Oh fuck no. I quickly speed walk towards the dance floor. His had is on her butt! Who the fuck he thinks he is?! She looks completely, drunk. She drank? She doesn't drink alcohol. Who the fuck told her to drink alcohol?! I quickly pry her off of Jimin. "Get away from her, did she drink?" I ask. "Yeah so what?!" Jimin questions. "She doesn't drink alcohol you dumbass." I yell. "Well maybe it's time she loosens up, and it's none of your business anyway." Jimin yells. "She is my business and will always be!" I yell. I was about to throw a punch but I can't break my promise to Y/n. I grip onto her hand tightly. Ensuring she doesn't get lost in the crowd.

After we are outside of the club I pick her up bridal style and take her to the car. "No, I don't wanna go home," she whines cutely. "Sorry princess but you're drunk, because some dumbass let you drink." I say. "I can drink if I want," she pouts. I giggle at her cuteness and set her gently into the car. "My head hurts," she complains still completely drunk. "That's because you drank," I say. "I only drank because of you," she pouts. "You make me so angry Jungkook" she whines. I look at her confused by her words. What did I do? We arrive at home and I pick her up bridal style once more. Making my way up the stairs to my room, I carry her carefully in my arms. I creek my door open and lay her gently down on the bed. "Wait here, I'll get you some water." I say as I touch her forehead. I was about to leave when she grabbed my arm. "Jungkook, why are you so mean," she whines. "Why did you kiss Haeun? I don't like it when you're with other girls." She pouts. Does she mean that?

Insecure Love •JK•Where stories live. Discover now