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"Wait wait wait, hold up. Sister?!" I say, shocked at the news I'm hearing. "Yeah, Haeun is my sister, you little bitch," he spat in my face. "Well I'm sorry if your sister beat me up." I say. "You little liar, you took her man, she had every right to beat you up. Now she can't even finish in any college!" He yells in my face. "Well maybe you should tell her and her plastic face  that she should've never tried to kill me in the first place!" I say to him. "She should've killed a slut like you, you whore!" He raises his hand to slap me. I turn my face away, awaiting the harsh blow of his strong hand. I realize I don't feel anything. I open my eyes to see Jungkook grasping onto the boys hand tightly.

"You call her a whore one more time, and I swear to god I will break every bone in your fucking body!" He grits his teeth at the now slightly frightened boy. The boys pulls himself away from Jungkook's grasp harshly. He glared at us and leaves. "Princess? You ok?" He asks me softly. I give a small nod. "Don't listen to anything he said, you are the victim here not Haeun." Jungkook caresses my cheek. I nod and smile.

I head out for classes. Today isn't a really busy day because some of the classes already began finals. After school I'm walking out to my car and I see Haeun's brother standing outside. As I walk closer I see Jungkook, oh no, were they fighting? I quickly speed walk towards them. "You and you fucking slut of a girlfriend are going to regret what you did. How can you even go out with her, she's stupid annoying and an attention whore, what the fuck do you see in her, she's a fucking liar and can't take a small threat." Haeun's brother says not realizing I'm right behind him. Rage builds up inside of me. I clench my jaw and kick behind his leg so he falls on his knees. I grab his arm twisting it causing him to groan in pain.

"I swear to god if you call me a whore one more time! I'll cut your balls off and feed it to you got it!" I yell in his face. I'm tired of him and his sister messing with me. "Stay away from me and my boyfriend!" I say as I let his hand go. I look at Jungkook who wear an expression of pure shock on his face. He wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I thought you told me no fighting." He chuckles"He deserved it," I reply. Jungkook smiles and says. "That's my girl!"

Insecure Love •JK•Where stories live. Discover now