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We arrive at the familiar mansion. We exit the car and I'm suddenly greeted with a cold breeze. We ring the doorbell. The door creeks open revealing Taehyung in a white hoodie and grey sweatpants. "Hey, guys, come in." He moves aside so we can enter. He leads us to the living room, where I see Jimin in a grey tee and some red joggers. Damn he looked so good. No Y/n, playboy remember. He looks up from his screen and sees me. "Hey, Y/n." He cheers. "Hi." I smile and sit down on the couch. "I'll go get some snacks." Taehyung's says. "I'll help!" Chanri offers and they run away leaving Jimin and I alone. "So, I heard you're in a project with Jungkook." He says. "Yeah I am, I just hope he does his work so I can get the project over with and get a good score." I reply and he chuckles. "Jungkook isn't really the work type," Jimin says. "Right I'll keep that in mind." I chuckle. "You know you're really pretty," he says looking into my eyes and I immediately tense up.

Compliments. Again. Do I look desperate for them. I don't reply I just smile. Why do people feed me with lies. It's not true so why waste your breath. Suddenly the door flings open revealing a tired Jungkook. He has a bruise on his cheek and he was panting. How is he panting didn't he drive? I immediately get up to look for the first aid kit with Jimin's eyes following me. "Wait here!" I demand to Jungkook as I run past him to get the box. If his bruise isn't treated it can become swollen and severe. I grab the box and scamper back to the door. I look up to see him waiting patiently for my return.

I walk up to him. "It's just a bruise Princess it'll be fine." He says and I roll my eyes. "If you don't treat it, it can become swollen." I say looking for the medicine. "Aww look at you worrying about me how sweet." He mocks. "Shut up." I murmur as I put the ointment in my finger. I gently rub it into his smooth silky skin. Damn this boy has amazing skin. Even my skin care routine will never show results like this. "You really have to stop with these injuries, it's not healthy." I say focusing on his cheek rather than his deep mysterious eyes.
"If I stop fighting would you be happy?"

Insecure Love •JK•Where stories live. Discover now