Pillow Fight{36}

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I slowly flutter my eyes open, too see the ray of sunshine beaming through the curtains. Suddenly a throbbing pain is felt in my head. What happened to me? What am I wearing? I look down at my body in the huge grey hoodie I peek inside to see only my bra and underwear. Did we?! Oh my god Y/n what is wrong with you. Are you insane? Wait? I don't feel any pain? Only in my head. Phew. That means we didn't do it. Thank god. But, did he change my clothes?! Memories of last night came flooding back to me. Oh my god Y/n, you're such an idiot, you were about to sleep with him. But it shocked me that he held back. I thought he wouldn't have. Why did he? I mean I'm great full he did, but. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by the tall boy entering the room.

"Goodmorning Princess." He smiles as he sets a cup of tea down on the nightstand. "M-morning......listen......I-umm about last night, I'm really really really, sorry." I apologize. "I wasn't thinking and I may have said some things that aren't completely true and I'm just really sorry." I say looking into his eyes. He just stares at me, with his deep eye so seem to get lost in very often. "It's ok, I didn't mind." He flashes his smile again. "And I'm sorry that you had to take care of me, I probably threw up didn't I?" I asked and he nodded. I face palmed. "I put you through so much trouble." I sigh. "Hey, it's ok, anything for my princess." He smiles as he touches my hand. I smile at his gesture. "I have one question." I say. "Did, you change me?" I ask looking down. "Duh like I was gonna let you sleep on my bed with your dirty clothes no way." He laughs. I scoff amd hit him with the pillow. I giggle at his reaction. "Oh it is on!" He says and grabs a pillow.

 "Oh it is on!" He says and grabs a pillow

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We hit each other with the pillows. Laughing and smiling. Happinesses. This is what is feels like. I suddenly fall and Jungkook falls on top of me. I stare into his dark eyes. Mysterious. Tempting. Soft. He starts to lean in. No Y/n move away. He's probably playing you for all you know. But I couldn't, my heart is telling me to take the risk. I close the gap between our faces as our lips touch.

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