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I slowly peek my eyes open. I realize a heavy arm is wrapped around my waist holding my back against his chest. I feel his breath on my neck as he lightly snores. It sends goosebumps all over my body. I slowly turn to face him. His soft smooth skin and his little bunny nose. His sharp jawline and pink lips. I glance at the time and we are going to be late if we don't get up. I softly whisper, "Jungkook, it time to get up," he slowly opens his eyes. He looks at me and smiles. "Good morning princess." He says in a sleepy voice as he pulls me closer to him. "Umm,we have to get up, or we're gonna be late." I remind him. "Can we just skip." He says as he pouts. "No way," I almost yell. "Ok ok, I'm getting up." He says. I roll off the bed and leave the room to get ready.

I put on my usual hoodie and some jeans. I put my wavy hair in a ponytail and put on my glasses. I walk downstairs to the kitchen. "Good more auntie." I say. "Morning Y/n, did you sleep well?" She asked. "Yup, I slept great." I say with a smile. I pour myself some cereal and milk. Just then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. He wore a back hoodie and leather jacket, with some black skinny jeans and some platform shoes. "Damn." I whisper to myself.

Without thinking of it I ate all my cereal. I don't feel like Jungkook judges me, I don't know why but I just think he doesn't think I'm a pig who eats a lot. So I feel a bit more comfortable eating, infront of him. I heavenly felt like this with anyone except my parent and Chanri.

We head to school and part ways for class. I'm walking to my locker when Haeun approaches me. "Did I tell you to stay away from Jungkook. Why the fuck are you coming to school with him? You little bitch. He's only nice to you because he feels sorry for you, so don't let it get to your head, you're nothing but an ugly fat pig!" She yells in my face. Those words cutting deep into my heart, leaving it bleeding and wounded. Chanri soon approaches. "Haeun why can't you just leave us alone you slut, why don't you just go suck a dick." Chanri shouts in her plastic face. "I will, and it's going to be Jungkook's." She flips her hair in my face and sashays down the hallways.

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