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I look to my side to see Jimin. I nod at him with a smile. He returns the smile and sits next to me. Taehyung sits next to Chanri and Jungkook sits next to Taehyung. It was a bit odd for the three most popular kings of our school to sit with us. We earn a few stares from students, but I brush off the thoughts. I was about to eat but it suddenly hit me. I didn't want to eat infront of them. I couldn't. I'll feel weird and gross. They'll think I'm disgusting and they will most likely think "wow she eats so much." So I take one bite and put  my sandwich away. I look up and everyone is looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask. "You didn't eat anything." Jimin says in a concerned tone. "I'm not that hungry, I'm fine." I reply. Smiling at him but he still looks concerned. I look at Jungkook who looks at me with a worried expression but he looks away as soon as I make eye contact with him. "Well you should eat more. You need energy." Taehyung says. "I'm ok I'm not hungry I don't even like my sandwich anyway." I lie. It was my favorite. A chicken sandwich with lettuce and mayo. I pout just thinking of it. Chanri looks at me worryingly and I give her a glare telling her don't say anything. Suddenly I turn my face straight ahead and see Jungkook holding a fork to my face. "You have to eat something, and if you don't like your lunch then eat this." He shoves the fork in my face. It was potato salad. I look into his eyes. Deep,dark and expressionless as usual. "Come on," he says. I slowly open my mouth and eat it. "There." He says looking down again. The two boys look at him in shock.

I am also taken back by his action. "What?" Jungkook questions as he looks at Taehyung. "Nothing...nothing," Taehyung's says averting his eyes back to Chanri. She blushes immediately. I'm beginning to think he likes her. But I hope it's true and not an act.

After lunch I have one more class then I get to head home. I enter the class and see Jungkook siting there, ever so peacefully twirling his pen in his hand.Great. I forgot I have this class with him. I sit down and the teacher walks in. "Ok class today you will be assigned your projects." She states. Please don't be a group project. "You will be divided in pairs." Awesome. Note the sarcasm. "Please be someone good," I whisper to myself crossing my fingers, praying it'll be someone who actually does part of the project. "Y/n and Jungkook." My eyes grow wide. How typical. I look at Jungkook who is already smirking at me. I roll my eyes. Well this is going to be fun.

How typical Y/n and jk being partnered but will it be that easy? Updates soon ;)

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