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After I finish settling in, I head to the kitchen. "Hi,Mrs.Jeon." I say sitting on one of the breakfast stools. "Hello dear, please call me Aunty." She says with a smile. "Dinner will be ready in a bit." She adds. "Do you need some help?" I ask. "No, I'm good here but you can tell Jungkook to come down for dinner." She says. "Ok." I reply nervous as I make my way up the stairs. I knock on his door. "Ready to join me so soon princess." He asks as he opens the door revealing him in sweatpants and no shirt. "Nope, your mom says its time for dinner." I say. He frowns and leaves his door open. I slowly walk inside. Damn his room is better than the guest room. He grabs a t-shirt and throws it over his head covering his toned abs.

"Sorry to cover up the view." He smirks. I scoff and roll my eyes. We walk downstairs and into the dining room. We all sit and begin eating. "So Y/n, what do you want to do after college?" His mom asks. "I want to work in the fashion industry so maybe advertising for magazines." I say and she smiles. "And when are you two going to get together." She asks and I almost choke on my water. "It isn't like that." I quickly respond shooting a glance at Jungkook who wears a disappointed expression which shocks me.

We finish eating even though I didn't eat much  Jungkook and I are now watching TV. I look around the family room and notice pictures of his family. One frame especially caught my eye. It was a picture of his mom and him, and a man I'm assuming is his dad. What happened to his dad? Maybe he's out on a business trip. I look at the other photos and they seem to not have the man present in most of them. I wonder what happened. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, "I'm tired so I'm gonna go to bed." I say. "Can I come?" He smugly smiles at me. "Ew no." I reply. "Suit yourself." He says.

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