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My jaw drops in relief. I look at Jungkook who wears a surprised yet happy expression. "Jail for 40 years." The judge says. "Dismissed." He says finally. "We did it!" Jungkook says happily as he hugs his mom who had tears in her eyes. "Thank you so much Y/n," she says as he takes my hands into hers. "Of course anytime." I reply with a smile. We all did a group hug.

Jungkook and I decided to go have lunch at a cute cafe. We sit at a table which views the beautiful buildings outside. "I can't believe it, we did it, he's gone." Jungkook says with a bright smile. "I'm so happy for you, now you don't have to worry," I say. "Yeah but now I'll have no excuse to stay at your house anymore." He pouts and I giggle. "You can stay anytime," I reply. "Hello, what can I get for you?" The beautiful waitress appears at our table. She bites her lip as she stares at Jungkook. She automatically puffs her chest up and sticks her but out. Gross. Jungkook doesn't seem to even spare a look at her. We order and she walks away swinging her hips.

After a few minutes of conversation Jungkook leaves for the restroom. "Here are your drinks."the waitress says with a bitter smile. "Thanks but how about you keep your eyes to yourself, and off of my boyfriend:" I say politely. She scoffs and leaves. "What was all that about?" Jungkook asks sitting down. "Nothing," I say. He narrows his eyes at me but soon brushes it off. We finish up and are now on our way home. "Let's go out," he says. "Umm, don't we already go out?" I say. "Yes but this one is going to be different." He says. "Umm ok, when, tomorrow at 8 my house be there on time." He states with a smile. "Ok," I smile.

The next day I arrive at his house. I knock on the door and it soon creaks open. I look up to see a smiling Jungkook. "Hey, Princess," he says and kisses me on the cheek. He moves aside so I can come in. He leads me to the backyard. "Where are we going-" I'm soon cut off by the beautiful site infront of me.

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