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"Jungkook, I can't, just go, I'm fine." I say with my quivering voice. "No, I'm not leaving. I'll wait till you come out, and I know you will," he says. He's right, I cannot be late. Ugh, Jungkook. I sigh and snap the lock on the door. I slowly creek it open. I see him standing there, worry all over his face. I expected him to ask me what's wrong but instead he pulls me into a hug. I am in shock by his actions. He rubs my hair and says, "It's ok....if you don't wanna tell me...I just need you to know I'm here princess." He says softly. I smile and wrap my arms around his torso.

"Ahh!" Suddenly a scream was heard. I look the direction of the scream. "Oh my god!" The random girl shrieks as she see Jungkook. "Ok ok, I'm leaving," he puts his hands up in defense as he walks out. I grab my things and head out with him. He ruffles my hair and we separate ways to go to class.

After a few classes I meet up with Chanri for lunch. "Wtf Y/n," she says as she walks towards me. "You and Jungkook, in the bathroom?" She nudges me. "Please, it wasn't like that, and how did you know?" I ask. "A girl told me from my class." She says. "Looks like it really wasn't like that." She points to somewhere. I look in the direction and found Jungkook making out with Haeun, well, that is expected.

After school I arrive home to see suitcases in the hallway. "Mom, I'm home!" I shout. "In the kitchen!" She yells. I walk into the kitchen. "What's with the suitcases mom." I point to them in the hallway. "Your dad and I are going on a business trip for a couple of days." She says. "What? Who's gonna feed me?!" I yell. "It's fine I'll just get food from Chanri." I say. "Actually, you're going to stay at Jungkook's." She cheers. "What?!?!" I yell. "Mom I can stay home alone you know?" I say. "Actually your dad and I spoke about it and the crime is a bit high these days so, we don't want you alone." She says. "Mom!" I shriek. "It's only 5 days Y/n, you'll survive." She says. "I'm not going." I oppose. "Please Y/n, do it for us. It's just him and his mom." She says. "Ugh, fine!"

Insecure Love •JK•Where stories live. Discover now