Truth or Dare{14}

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"Lets play a game!" Chanri exclaims. "Lets play truth or dare." She suggests every one agrees and we get a bottle and place it in the middle of our circle. It lands on Jimin. "Truth or dare?" Taehyung asks. "Dare." he responds. "Ok then I dare you to text someone you'll date next." He says. Jimin tenses up bit he soon picks up his phone and starts typing. Everyone eager and curious to know who was the mystery girl. Ding! My phone vibrates in my pocket. Everyone gasps. I look at the notification and it says. Will you go out with me? 🥰. I look up to Jimin. Should I go out with him, or is he playing me? But I look into his eyes and I see sincerity. I decide to give him a chance. If he really want to date me, then thats a shocker, I mean who would even consider dating a slob like me. I give him a nod and a smile. He smiles at me again, and we blush. "Ouuu,"  Chanri and Taehyung coo. Jungkook chuckled at their reaction but soon looks away.

After a few boring rounds we all decide to head home. Chanri and I bid everyone goodbye and leave. "So, you and Jimin!" She exclaimed loudly as we enter the car. "Nothing has even happened yet and your so worked up." I reply and she chuckles. "And you were talking about Taehyung playing with my feelings but looks like you got one of your own." She talks again. I roll my eyes. "Jimin could be playing me, but I wanted to give him a chance." I respond. She laughs and says, "Look at you, taking risks." I roll my eyes playfully at her.

I awake the next morning to my annoying alarm clock. I groan and hit it to shut it up. I get up and head to the bathroom. I put on some ripped jeans and tank top with a zip up hoodie over it of course. I don't want judging my eyes all over me now. I leave my hair out in its wavy form and put on my shoes. I decide to eat a lot of cereal for breakfast since I probably won't eat much of my lunch. I sigh as I glance at myself in the mirror. The same face everyday, the same ugliness I see and I'm sure that's all what others see.

I leave the house and drive to school. I enter the school building to be greeted by huge crowd of students as usual. I make my was to my locker. I arrive and I put some books inside. "Hey!" I scream at the voice. I look up to see him standing there with one arm supporting his body leaning on the lockers."Don't so that Jungkook, you almost gave me a heart attack." I scold. "Didn't mean to scare you princess." He smiles. I roll my eyes giving up on telling him to stop calling me that. "So what's up?" He asks. "What's up? Seriously," I say closing my locker. I turn to face him. I notice a few glares coming from desperate females in the hallways. "By the way, you better pull your weight on that project," I remind him. "I can't afford to get a bad score," I say. "You won't get a bad score, don't worry too much princess, you have me." He says showing off himself.  I look at him up and down. "Sure," I say.

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